

3 modes - (L-R switches config)
RED Mode - combine mode ( global tap tempo, bank up, down on both units, tuner)
GREEN mode - Controls 1st H9 (tap tempo, bank up, bank down, hot switch)
BLUE Mode - Controls 2nd H9 (tap tempo, bank up, bank down, hot switch)

The 5 knobs are only activated in GREEN and BLUE MODE. The flip switch alternates between the 5 parameters (there are 10 parameters in the H9s).

^ sweet!

@ Gunihoon, care to share more about your custom midi controller?
My incomplete board. Still need to add a mod section


Input => EB VP => AMT WH-1 => MXR Dynacomp => TC Spark => MIJ SD-1 => EHX Muff with tonewicker => Carl Martin Plexitone => Marshall DSL 40C => (fx send) Xotic EP => Boss DD-20 =>HOF => Ditto => (fx return)