Pedal suggestions

i've owned almost all the pedals that ppl are talking about in this thread..

jack hammer is great for classic rock, nice thick lead tone.. plus, if i;m not wrong, its true bypass.. great sounds, easy to tweak, can get lotsa tones outta it and its cheap and versatile..

uber metal is a great pedal in my opinion, u can get reall great sounds outta it but u really gotta be prepared to tweak it like mad to find something u want.. a bit of a pina to tweak, i had to sit for like an hour to get the tone i want.. the scooped mids function is cool, but its quite sensitive and if u screw it up, its kudos to ur tone..

i had the red jekyll and hyde, another great classic rock pedal, but its just a lil too thin for my liking.. heard the older, grey coloured version is better, with more punch and body to the sound... best is to bring it to randolf to mod if u get it...

mt2 imo is just a lil too trebly, with really screwed up mids.. mayb its personal preference, but i like to put some mids into my tone to get a fuller sound... best is if u use it with an eq pedal...

now i'm using the mxr doubleshot.. two channels in one like the jekyll and hyde but world apart in terms of sound...each channel has its own eq settings(bass, mids, treble) so tweaking it is really easy.. plus its got these focus buttons in each channel.. and its true, each channel is quite distinct... the first one can do some really hard stuff and when toned down a lil, can do great classic rock tone.. with a push of the focus button, bass boost with a small midrange two is simply insane, obscene amount of gain and the eq is great for shaping ur tone the way u like it..

another cool thing about the mxr is that all the dails glow in the dark, which is cool..

but drawback is that it runs on 18 volts, so normal adaptors aren't gonna work unless u build ur own or buy a proper stepdown transformer..

in the end, up to u :lol:
Jackhammer is not true bypass. Some kind of buffered by pass. DPDT switch with led. Unless its the milellium bypass which i dun tink it is. I find the distortion mode on that pedal way too bassy even with the bass knob to 0 still way too bassy. The od channel is still ok though.
mt2, simply sucks unmodded. Moded its one of the best booster pedals ever. I had mine modded a while back. Tried using it on its own, can't seem to get any nice sound on its own. Then recently got some new pedals and tried it as a booster. OMG it simply owns. Try blending a modded mt2 with a od3 or a ds1 or ds2. Its stack sound heaven man.

For light overdrive sounds, most overdrive pedals will do quite nicely. For heavy in your face stack (big)sounds realised almost all pedals can't make it on its own. Try blending a few different pedals together and see which ones work for u.
If i remember correctly it cost about $90. I use the 1 spot adaptor and daisy. I think its also the cheapest soln. Drawback only to a max of 5 pedals. Anyway not many choices. Swee lee currently has sold out its daisy chain for the boss ps adaptor. Ns2 and the tu2 are also currently sold out. Went down sweelee today. No stock.

For those who own the brick where to buy and how much is it here in sg?
MrE said:
i too own the Jekyll & Hyde

excellent pedal for a wide variety of OD/distortion tones

as for comments that the 'sharp' function in the Hyde section is too brittle, well it depends on what guitar and pickups u are using. its really solid with humbuckers, esp great with my LP since its warmer than say an RG with humbuckers (could be too sharp/edgy with RG).

mmm yeah it sounds thin on an RG i.e in my situation.. too thin for me.. maybe it would sound better in a mahogany body.

razr:did you mod your J&H? i'm planning to make this my main dist unit but the dist isn't to my liking. prefer the DS1 over the dist.
nope.. didn;t.. but u can bring it to randolf to mod.. had a friend who did it and it sounded way better.. but it'll set u back quite abit...
im currently deciding between a ts-9 and a gt-2.
ts-9 from swee lee right? how much is it.
how about the gt-2.
gonna mod my mt-2 and get the other distortion.
so im gonna use my mt-2 for a stand alone but the other for booster.
so out of the 2 which one will you recommend.
MT-2 is distortion. GT2 also distortion. Why do you need two distortion?

Sell your MT-2 top up and get a GT2. And then buy the TS-9.
imsuchajoker said:
im currently deciding between a ts-9 and a gt-2.
ts-9 from swee lee right? how much is it.
how about the gt-2.
gonna mod my mt-2 and get the other distortion.
so im gonna use my mt-2 for a stand alone but the other for booster.
so out of the 2 which one will you recommend.

i agree with lifehouse... the gt2 is way better than the mt2 imo... plus it has amp modelling..u could try to get ur stuff second hand like me, its cheaper..
or mayb u could go for a randolfed bluesdriver.. nice smooth distortion, sweet tone...
gt2... but do ur research on randolf modded stuff and see how ppl like them.. cuz personaly, i'm not a fan of boss products.. or if u got cash, get a boss eq20 twin eq pedal to complement ur mt2... i tried it once and it made the mt2 sound fantastic...
The one spot can power more than 5 pedals. Just attached a daisy chain to the daisy chain thn up to 9 pedals. It can provide upto 1700mA of juice. Just check how many amps ur pedals need. Usually ods and distortions take up very little, usually less than 100mA its the delays that take up much more tts y 9Vs dun last very long in them.

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