Pearl Rhythm Traveller Kit


New member
Hi all. Is there anything you can do to a new rhythm traveller kit to make it sound better?

Which o-rings fit for it?

Thanks for looking!
first and foremost, welcome to soft and welcome to soft drumming forum.

Congrats on ur purchase of a new rhythm traveller kit. :D

to make it sound better, all u need is good heads and good tuning. Proper set up is also crutial as u don't wanna see your toms all over the place with crazy angles.

Swee lee sales coming and a good time to stock on remo heads... but something to note with the RT's is that they don't have any resonance head so yeah bear in mind there.

Might i suggest changing all your skins to remo Controlled sound and tune it up well....

The DTB (Drum Tuning Bible) is definately a great thign to read beforehand.

cheerios and keep drumming.
Thanks Marcdadrummer!What are remo heads? How if they can't fit into the drum..? Sorry man I'm still a noob, anyhow, thanks for your reply :-D
hey! Remo is a brand of drum skins. sure can fit, buy the 10" 12" 14" ones :) why apologise, we all start somewhere! better late than never! heh!

and WELCOME! you'll find that all we drummers are friendly, understanding, caring, kind, extremely-approachable, righteous and staid!
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Hey jeepers! Haha, thanks for the encouragement!!! So i buy one 10" one 12" and so on? It's sold one by one or in a pack? And... how much is it? Does yamaha sell?
the skins that Marc recommended (Remo Controlled Sound) dont come in tom packs i think, so you'll have to buy em separately. RTs come in 10" 12" 14" tom configs, so buy 10" 12" 14" skins for the toms. about prices i'm not too sure? prolly high $10ish? yamaha carries evans i think.

the swee lee sale's on sat! can get skins cheap!

btw, you bought your RT brand new or second hand?
google remo drumheads and there's all of the specs u need to know.. any yeah, no need to apologise, everyone would definately start sumwhere bro.

as for prices, thats where the fun of GAS'ing is all about... looking for your equipments is definately very fun and knowing their prices too. SL is a dealer for pearl drums and im definately sure u can approach a staff to ask about drumheads for your RT.........

drumheads are sold piece by piece btw.
Thanks jeepers! Every drumkey fits any set.. is it?

And i read on some website that if you put duct tape on the bass drum where the pedal hits it, it will help preserve the pedal's life. Is that advisable?
never tried that.... but i guess that ur pedal head will have stain marks of the colour of duck tape u use...

keep everything clean, don't always have to follow what other people suggests in the net... drumming is very personal so yeah....

and yes every drumkey fits every tension rods...

come to our drummers meetup and we'll all gladly assist u bro.
Haha. Thanks man.. Anyway, for RT is there any need for stuffing things into the bass drum? What does the stuffing do anyway?:D
Hi, I've got an RT. Here's my 2cents.

Change batter heads, Remo skins are good. I personally got Remo center black dot batters. You might want to change your snare, i didn't like it. If you can't change it atm, use the black rubber padding (shaped like a fan with 3 blades...) and put it on top of the snare drum. Kinda muffles it and removes the awful sound the stock snare gives. Cymbals definitely need changing, the stock crash can be used like a china I suppose, but you definitely need a better hi-hat and ride. Stuff a big pillow into your bass drum, it will sound better. The single pedal given is ok I guess, I didn't have any problems with it.

To me, RT is a good compact kit. The lack of resonance head on toms (i.e. each tom only got the top side, which is the batter. it's open from behind, so reso head missing) makes it kinda wrong sounding. I used some muffling ring on my 10" tom, so it kinda sounds better. Maybe you could try that too.

K that's about all I've done so far. Feel free to shoot more questions.
Thanks sidmontu. Where can I purchase the black dot batters? What is their purpose? And the ring on your toms.. Did you purchas all 10" ? In a pack or separately?

Thanks...:p Anyway, any advice on where to buy affordable hi-hats/cymbals..?
Budget for cymbals are about 200-300? I would save up for them.:D

So for the snare.. I can change the head.. right? To the remo head, 10"?

read up more about ur RT kit and the sizes.

no matter what bro, heads are always changeable - to the DIAMETER of the shell size of that particular drum...

if ur talking about snares, read up on the size of it at pearl's website. most probably 14".

if all fails, there's always the trusty measuring tape... and it doesn't have to be a remo head too bro. remo has LOADS of heads to choose from... and there's also an option of getting evans too.. and evans has LOADS to choose from too. open up ur choices more and read up other threads on this forum. many of ur FAQ are available here too. yeah :D like i said earlier, pls come and register for our 15th dec meetup and all of us will gladly assist u in any questions and can explain to you in depth and detail with the equiptments there.

here's the websites...

keep on drumming bro :D
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