paypal question


New member
i have a question. i want to get rid of that spending limit on paypal. so i need to confirm my card.


it says "Check your card statement and find the four-digit PayPal code for the charge."

i've already waited 3days.

what do i do now?

btw, its my dad's credit card. so how?
You need to get the credit card statement from the bank. Paypal will charge a very small sum (negligible) to your credit card. The statement will reflect that and include a payment code, which you'll then enter in Paypal. That will remove the limit.
To confirm your card, Paypal will charge $3 (refundable) to your credit card.
You have to get the credit card statement from your Dad.
Then scan thru the page and look for Paypal. They have a 4 digit Paypal code.
Go to Paypal site and confirm your card with the code and they will refund the $3 back to your credit card.

That's how I did it.
Any other problems you can let me know cos I lost the code once and I requested another one and they did not double charge me. :D

Oh yeah, statements USUALLY comes at the end of every month. And it also depends if your Dad has an online statement or paper statement.
if u registered his card secretly then good luck to u.. haha

just ask him for the statement with the paypal $3 charge at the end of the mth
oh my gosh u mean i can only get the code at the end of the month?

its freaking the start of july.

and no i didnt register his card secretly. ahaha
Usually end of the month lah. Different banks different cut off dates. Like mine is on the 25th of every month.

When did u try to comfirm it? Maybe can check previous statement.
i think u can check the statement online. but u need his pin and etc to login..
from there u can look for paypal transaction.

i confirmed on the 3rd. oh man this sucks. i have to make payment to a dude in US who has reserved something from my brother.

okay i'll ask my dad if its possible to check online.
If cannot check online, just call the bank. They can send a statement before the month is up. They can also tell your dad the code over the phone.
just call the bank and they will tell u the 4 digit code on the spot. I did that for mine :)

But for ur case, ur dad would be doing the calling
i have a question. i want to get rid of that spending limit on paypal. so i need to confirm my card.


it says "Check your card statement and find the four-digit PayPal code for the charge."

i've already waited 3days.

what do i do now?

btw, its my dad's credit card. so how?

Just call your credit card company up, or get your dad to do so, and ask them for the statement. get them to read out the 4 digit number from Paypal's transaction ID and you're good to go.