Parker PM-10



Parker PM-10
List: $999

It seems that every guitar manufacturer has an overwhelming urge to have a singlecut guitar incarnation in their line-up, Parker included. If you are new to Parker guitars, Ken Parker’s original Fly models are arguably designs which would appeal to fanatics of mystified body outlines (think BC Rich) with a very distinct upper body bout that matches its ice-hockey stick headstock by design. This quirk aside, the Parker brand name is acclaimed for its piezo pickup ubiquity, but the PM offerings are bent on proving Ken Parkers potency in the traditional, solid body arena.

Construction/ fit/ finish
The PM series of guitars are carved top, mahogany units (2-piece), singlecut models, featuring an elegant mahogany neck (2-piece) with an ebony fretboard & that unmistakable, Parker headstock. If you are accustomed to the Fly, the PM-10 isn’t a huge departure in feel but there is a marked increase in depth. There are no evident blemishes here because Ken Parker isn’t one to endorse any forms of sloppy workmanship, even if the PM-10 hails from a Korean plant. Despite its captivating front, the strength of this guitar lies with its very inviting body-neck joint. Absent are any bulky hindrances that would limit your upper fret excursions.

Before you express acute grievances against Parker’s glued-on frets in the initial Fly models, be well informed that the current wave of selections feature the traditional slot types. It effectively means that the guitar frets will NOT pop out of the fretboard over time.

All in all, the PM-10 displays a very high standard of workmanship befitting the reputation it exudes. If there are any cosmetic flaws on this guitar, the solid black finish ensures a comprehensive masking of them all. The absence of any pick guard/ surface inserted attachment screws makes the overall feel extra classy.

Playability/ tone
The PM-10’s outline, in particular its rounded nature & a trimmed treble-side cutaway in contrast to the Fly’s, gives it a more receptive feel when played sitting down & strapped on. More importantly, there isn’t any obtrusive upper arm that’ll perpetually prod your ribcage. Unlike a traditional carved top incarnation, the PM-10 features a more extended relief towards the edge of the body making it a very comfortable guitar despite the absence of an elbow relief ala Fender. The electronics layout are in a familiar configuration, especially the pickup flick switch, no prizes for guessing which other singlecut design it emulates. However, the 3-way pickup switch is located too near the neck, if you are a tapping proponent; this contraption simply gets in the way.

Moving on to the neck, the absence of markers will manifest the fumblers among us but it’s all about adapting. The dimensions of it invoke a certain PRS feel (fat/ wide), especially the finish formulation, which doesn’t give it an overtly synthetic feel. Over at the headstock, the Grovers are very functional & there isn’t too much snagging of the strings at the nut but it could have been better lubricated.

Can a typical Les Paul type drone be had from the PM-10 (since it’s a singlecut design anyway)? No, 2 factors namely the body depth (lacks potent thickness) & pickups, give this guitar a particular midrange response nevertheless suitable for all manners of rock & bass-notes peddling. The Stinger humbuckers possess an enthusiastic lower midrange when tapped, making them very useful gain-wise as they retain clarity when playing higher register notes. These pickups are rather mediocre clean, in their humbucking mode unless one adds a pinch of chorus, they sound too bland.

Last say
Albeit being very appealing in various aspects, a typical singlecut hunter will relegate this guitar further down his/ her acquisition list citing the Epiphone Les Pauls being the preferred procurement. For those of us who value playability (the PM-10’s set neck construction will shame any Les Paul anytime) & tonal definition, this guitar has that subliminal X-factor which you will appreciate.