P/J pups


New member
Hey guys, recently bought a bass with P/J combi. I use the P pup mainly for finger-style and pick-style, and both P/J pups for slapping.

The stock pickups are definitely pretty decent, but i like to mod my instruments by nature. Can anyone recommend me some pups to go with my style which i mentioned above? Im stuck between Barts and DiMarzios. Any other brands are welcomed as well.
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Passive bass? Personally I would go with Seymour Duncan. I heard great things about Bartolini's but never had them myself so can't really compare.
If active EMG.
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there are quite a few dimarzio's each giving a very different kind of sound. there's the ones which are basically P-style split coils in a jazz format which could be really interesting.

if you got a bit more cash you can go for nordys.

barts... yeah. i know some guys who like them. i'd go with the dimarzios though