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RX-40 (Korean) hence discontinued & subsequently revived as part of the Gio series- GRX-40... how to tell them apart- the headstock logo on the Gio series has the 'swoosh' sign missing.
the RX-40 is a very light-bodied guitar (resoncast). i have to supplement it with the tone zone to make it sound thick. the original default humbucker was treble excessive, it made the guitar sound shrill.

the current GRX-40 has agathis body which is a more resonant unit but the default humbucker has excessive midrange IMO. feel-wise, there's not much diff between the 2. i like the fact that the current GRX-40 sports a more palm-friendly bridge- no protruding screws to jab your picking hand.

the other budget-friendly guitar which i'm really proud of is my BC Rich Ironbird pictured here. it's from the limited edition Body Art series which sounds more than decent for the money. in fact, i was taken aback by the default humbucker which sounds very impressive & tonally balanced. initial plans to have a Duncan in there was shelved.

despite the outrageous body shape, this guitar has good balance. fans of thin, ibanez-type necks would do well to check this one out but it's still not as skinny as the Super Wizard profile. i have no complains on the overall make, fit & finish. it's a well-made guitar to say the least but i can't speak for all the models from this series though. 8)
Hi guys

pooo, yeah, she's kinda old...14 year old

subversion... Allan Holdsworth has a RS also?
hmm... didn't know that

cheers :D
alan holdsworth has used many guitars thusfar- Ibanez/ Charvel/ Steinberger/ etc..., but he kept going back to his headless steinberger. the ibanez he played has only one humbucker for a simple reason- he only needs one 8O which inspired his other guitars to date- one humbucker only... that somehow inspired me to buy that single humbucking BC Rich...

whichever guitar holdsworth plays, he sounds like himself... impressive!!
wah power...
mine sure bears some similarities to his...especially shape and outline...

wah bro, u sure are informative man


wow..... everybody here seems to be having lotsa great things in life.
how i wish i can be like u guys......
the Alan Holdsworth signature was based on a production model so it looks like one... sadly this guitar was discontinued...
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