My setup - Home Digital Booth
Nothing much... I do mainly audio for video and video for erhh... video?. Echo Soundcard, M-85D for reference, Seinheisser HD25 for monitoring, UB802 for routing. Presonus tube, couple of alesis compressors, gates. verbs, EQ and the rest of the racks all hidden from view beneath my T.V. Axes include a EPI LP, Ibanez Maverick, a really old school acoustic. Pedals include JH1, MT2, Boss EQ, and Boss digital delay and reverb. A keyboard, using a M-audio midi to usb interface. Some other stuff like mics and all lying all around the room or are all boxed up cos got no time to rig them up or no immediate use for them. Oh yeah! How can I forget my mantle piece. My lava lamp. Every home studio needs one of those things. :roll:

Nothing much... I do mainly audio for video and video for erhh... video?. Echo Soundcard, M-85D for reference, Seinheisser HD25 for monitoring, UB802 for routing. Presonus tube, couple of alesis compressors, gates. verbs, EQ and the rest of the racks all hidden from view beneath my T.V. Axes include a EPI LP, Ibanez Maverick, a really old school acoustic. Pedals include JH1, MT2, Boss EQ, and Boss digital delay and reverb. A keyboard, using a M-audio midi to usb interface. Some other stuff like mics and all lying all around the room or are all boxed up cos got no time to rig them up or no immediate use for them. Oh yeah! How can I forget my mantle piece. My lava lamp. Every home studio needs one of those things. :roll: