other things tat u dig into

i used to keep arowana but now no $$ to maintain...welll my other hobby is prolly stoning in front of msn and hanging out at orchard?
Ok can anyone intro me those pay one shot computer games? Not like monthly have to pay, ex lah.

Then can play for long type lol.
definitely RPGs. Try Metal Gear Solid 3. Suikoden series, try getting all 108 characters into ur army for the suikoden series, that is a real challenge.

final fantasy series should last damn long too. Pretty good replay values for some.
Er for one shot computer games u can try Warcraft 3 frozen throne. Theres a bloody big hype about DOTA... or alternatively u can go to a lan shop to play. lol.
by the way , is anyone a model hobbylist here? one who collects model aeroplanes , model military figures , model tanks etc which requires cement to fix them up...

anyone know of a shop which sells all these model collectables????

Bugis has one but it's long gone while there's another shop at Marina Square but the entire shopping mall is under renovation and i'm not sure whether they will be coming back...
Mr_X: i completed 2 times with 108 heroes. well i had the guide book. 1st time was only 90+. couldnt find the hidden heroes.

suikoden 2 im talking. it was like 2 3 years back man. havent touched my ps for 29321382130 yrs. lmao. k la whats the most in thing now, update me.

apart from DOTA and stuffs. and classic "CS". still got what. or new stuffs in singapore to do... ice skating, bowling, kite flying.. all same things leh. rock climbing also have. still got what ah.
actually i was interested in it after following Duf's to the marina square shop one day.i was exceptionally fascinated by those model military figures (English Hussars , Roman Legionaires , Nazi Soldiers etc)...

then today i was at northpoint popular bookstore reading some mags at the magazine section and i came across some magazine dedicated to model military figures.That somehow reactivated my interest :D
I build models.

Tamiya rules.

All those wierdo military models, 38 scale. Hahahaha...

I'm still sore at the fact my curtain swept my model of an M2 Bradley off the shelf onto the floor, destorying it. It was my favourite piece :(
I already had this wonderful fascination on models since young...

I have a F117 and an Apachi Helicopter but no space to put so i juz chuck it on my cabinet...lolx

somehow i guess this interest is resurfacing...
Hahahahha i had a few.

My first model was an F-15.

And, in order (yes, i still remember them. I'm a sad man)

M2 Bradley
KMS Bismarck <--- she was a b!tch to build.
Spitfire IX
Mirage 2000
Yamato <--- If the Bismarck was bad...
Tiger Tank