other things tat u dig into

mattleesc said:
Praetorian said:
mattleesc said:
can! theres a whole community of sg we8 online players. got leagues and such. just get a ps2/usb converter so you can use ps2 controller on ur pc and dl WE8i via bt and yay...... :D

In English, please :?

sorry i suck

No no, nothing to do with you sucking.

Its just that there are so many wierd cheem terms i nvr see before. Like a new language like that sia. lol
mattleesc said:
can! theres a whole community of sg we8 online players. got leagues and such. just get a ps2/usb converter so you can use ps2 controller on ur pc and dl WE8i via bt and yay...... :D

i think playing on pc is as good as on the ps2 when using the ps controller. dun waste money la!

damnit dude,i gonna buy that we8 at this once!!!!! argh, argh argh!!!! hahaha,damnit,i love the game so much, thanks anyway man,u rock, btw urs is pirated or original 1?
pooo said:
gordonzz said:
pooo said:
Gardening.. It's just nice man haha. Since i don't do the stuff people my age usually do, i just stay home and enjoy. It's like, watching this certain plant grow and stuff, very easy to relate to guitar :wink:

u grow ganja? :o

cannabis? :o

can i join u? :D

NO!!! I'm a clean musician :wink:

Only vegetables, fruits. Pandan, lime, hopefully in 5 - 10 yrs, papaya and durian. Damn slow growth rate man, haha sometimes cannot tahan.

got lobang for cannabis seeds not?

actualli growin things u eat urself is meaningful... i oso wan try leh... any idea?

but at nite got cat or drunkard come or not? wait they piss on ur plant :lol:
Grow chilli if you're interested. Very easy to maintain.

The chance of anyone, anything taking a piss on the plant is almost close to zero if you plant the plants within your home premises.
pooo said:
Grow chilli if you're interested. Very easy to maintain.

The chance of anyone, anything taking a piss on the plant is almost close to zero if you plant the plants within your home premises.

how to grow? any idea hwo to start? aku budget now leh :o
Lol get an unused pot, go to a field, dig and fill the pot with some soil, throw some chilli seeds in from the chilli your family eats after a meal. Pour water. Put under sunlight (sparingly, singapore IS hot), and just wait a few days for the shoots to sprout :D That's the most cheapskate method i can think of.
gordonzz said:
how to grow? any idea hwo to start? aku budget now leh :o

Uh, I happen to have a Sweet Basil plant growin perfectly well if anybody wants to know. Mouth itchy can pluck a leaf and chew. Tasty sia.

Go get any basil plant, put it in a pot with soil, water just enough, maybe once every two days, keep it out of direct sunlight, and there you go.

Best part is eating something your grew.
haha my we8 is downloaded via bittorrent. anyway just to let you know pirated copies can be used to play online. (not promoting piracy)

then just get a ps2/usb hub i think is around 18sgd at sim lim square green domain.
pooo said:
Lol get an unused pot, go to a field, dig and fill the pot with some soil, throw some chilli seeds in from the chilli your family eats after a meal..

lol..... cant stop my self from thinkin last time when young my mama planted some alovera or wad dono how to spell... i go piss on it everytime muahauahauahau
gordonzz said:
lol..... cant stop my self from thinkin last time when young my mama planted some alovera or wad dono how to spell... i go piss on it everytime muahauahauahau

Something makes me hope when you got burnt or something your mom used that same aloe vera to rub on you.
Mr_KeyboardMan said:
ha ha ... you and I seems to share the same interest

I jus playing it again to see if it is really as good as people say cos i didn't quite like it cause i play then stop for months. Then play again and stop. But once u played suikoden ii, suikoden iii is not that good. I love suikoden ii.
gordonzzz....till now ur pose havent tell us wat u like directly for ur past time.
indirectly,i gez ur fav past time is disturbing softies with ur 1001 comment abt other people past time....now i dig u \m/
Sleeping, thinking why i suck so much in guitar, then back to sleeping. Aiyyyaaaa

im a no lifer :(

I stopped gaming since last year... No offence but dont u guys ever get sick of games? =/