what the...
"nowadays singer who sings most of the time out of pitch kind of tune make it to success including those singers who uses a lot of falsetto voice to reach higher notes(actually they cant sing high pitch tunes)...to me real singers that could set a good example to good singing technique...eg,celine"
well, actually, dude, its a stylistic thing. its not that you can't REACH the high notes. its pop, not the opera.
i've been following this for a while, and i cannot tahan anymore.
music is not a race.
music is not a competition.
its not about who can reach the highest note, etc.
music is about expression. i am a freaking noob and i don't know much about singing, but singers CHOOSE CONSCIOUSLY how to sing the song a certain way. Especially in the case of Amanda, I think you need to give her some respect for what she's doing. She wrote the song, she is singing it the way she is, by CONSCIOUS choice, not by limitations of her voice. Dont' tell her how to sing HER song.
Celine Dion used falsetto too for her Titanic hit, My Love will go on (at the pre-epic parts. god how i HATE that song. shudder.) In fact, her voice is extremely annoying to many people. She did a duet with BeeGees, and sounded almost like the lead singer of BeeGees. BeeGees also used a lot of falsetto. Did they do it because they can't sing? I don't think so. Its a CONSCIOUS choice of the group to decide to stick to their sound and sell it to the masses ANYWAY, even if they didn't sound like the way..uhm...men should sound.
Can you imagine if everyone sounds like Kelly Clarkson?! She's fantastic, but come on, how many Carrie Underwoods do we need? Maybe singapore needs one, but only for the sake of proving a point. You seem to think that AI is the holy grail. I think if you read the reviews from US, you'll know what they're saying..."I peaked at AI when I was 20, now I'm just the dude in the bar drinking beer with no gigs, not even after Simon said I belong in a lounge."
These are what I can pasta-singers. No flavour. They are good staple food, but seriously, pasta EVERYDAY?! Pasta without SAUCE?!
People are such pasta sometimes too. (yes i make a funny.)
I think identity is the key to being a successful singer/artistes, not range. Mariah Carey has an identity. Whitney Housten has an identity. Bright eyes, the PITCHEST singer EVER, has an identity. He is making big bucks, and is hailed as the greatest new talent to emerge in recent years in terms of style and songcraft. Sometimes the most technically advanced singers end up being Backup vocalists, reading scores and harmonising, not leading!
Which do you think people will listen to? Something that relates to their life, something that touches them, something that emotes, or something that is pure vocal calistenics? You can listen to Panini for calistenics. Trained singers. Pitch perfect, just by reading the score, can sing. When you said real vocal lessons, you are referring to this, classical training. All other vocal training is classified as Pop Vocal.
To reiterate, true, music requires some proper education. But this is a singer/songwriter genre. The talent lies in the fact that she WROTE a song. (Bob Dylan writes fantastic but sounds like shit IMO). Maybe you think only Mariah Carey clones deserve to be showcased on soft. But if I see that, I'll just go, Wah, high notes. Personally I don't feel anything when I listen to her songs. Save when she starts whistling. Then I feel some pain in my ears, somewhere deep in my head.
Alright, I'll not rant anymore.
Just...give the girl a break.
Amanda, you kick ass. Get your groove back, girl!
PS. She is usually 75% pitch accurate. I think this is just a fluke on the day of the performance.
Maybe James should feature a "Singer's Special" where he showcases powerhouse vocals. Like Melinda or is it Belinda, from Singapore Idol.