New member

Hello my fellow friends ,
One night only Gig , With your local parody rock band Thambi K Seaow , Live your dreams Allan Sandosham and his rock band playing you all the amazing rock hits and The one and only drag queen Kumar doing his standup comedy will merge together as one force in Hard Rock Cafe Singapore on the 25th of Jan 2010. Tix are at 16 dollars inclusive of an Alchoholic / Non Alchoholic drink followed by a dance floor as the after party playing your fav top 40's, house , Trance and R n B music. Its gonna be crazy! you have to be over 18. Club rules apply . Tix are bought at the door. Thambi K Seaow has just stepped up their game so be there or be square!

P.s Guys , this would be an awesome thing to bring a date. Girls and party ppl this would be an awesome time to hang out with us ..
As most of you might know Thambi K Seaow is nearing their album launch which will be set on Feb . place TBC. The launch of their album entitled Your Mother, will also be their last for now as me , Shyam Raj is leaving for the United States of America to persue my dream . I will be going to Full Sail University to further my studies and start a band to be a known in the music industry someday. So i urge you to come for our shows now .. and live on to tell the stories of the live experience you had with this band called Thambi K Seaow. Your very own Singapura flavoured rock band. I will be leaving on Feb 23rd. Will miss all of you and i will do u proud.
For those who have not joined us on face book pls do . Search us under "Thambi K Seaow rocks and keep it active with all your post! Catch us on youtube aswell ! we just shot new pranks on the street of Orchard road and it will be up soon. Lots are gonna happen so stay on your feets!
join us at
add us on Face book at
for those who have not heard , we recently came out on CNN as people who matter most in 2009 which was a shock to us aswell as it was Sujin Thomas that notified us coz he read it first!
here is the link..
I ask this favour from you to try and leave as much comments as possible on face book , myspace youtube and all so that your friends can get to read abt it and leave some comments here aswell so that it doesnt sink! if you could help spread the word by pasting our links and bloggin we would appreciate any form help and are honoured to have u do this for us. ok , long story shot! if you are reading this do leave some love.
your man!
Shyam Raj