omg!! this is impt!! i SCREWEEED my guitar.


New member
Oh no guys. i placed my epi on a guitar stand and it toppled!

so it didnt chip off any from the body, or screw the pick ups and wiring and electrionics.

but something else got screwed. it got chipped off , heres the pic. I HOPE someone out there can tell me swee lee does reparations or i can go somewhere to repair it. :(



so hope guys can replyt soon
halo... are you cousin to chicken little !!

Chill fella big deal....just get a new nut !
Remove the damaged piece ...(if your knees are knockin ....then get someone else to do it) and replace with nut of choice.
where do i get the nuts. and how much do they cost.

do i use super glue to stick them together or someother way.. omg
relax dude. a blank nut will only cost you a few bucks. just pay soemone to slot them for you. davis sells the nuts, the dudes at luther or GC can slot them for you.
davis for nuts :lol:

yes... supa glue...please just a couple of dabs !! keep a clean cloth handy for drips ...just in case !!

Remove the damaged nut slow and with bucket full of patients .... use fine sand paper folded to clean the groove surface before installing new!!
they're all lying.... your guitar is as good as dead!!!


:lol: :lol: :lol:
the sky is falling ....the sky is falling ... :lol: :lol:

tell us kid !! that someonelese guitar you munted ??
omg his nut broke, and he's going to go to davis to get a new nut and going to GC or luthermusic to slot the nut in for him :lol:
Doode, no worries!!! It's repairable!!! My friend's PRS Custom-24 fell down a flight of stairs and his rabbits and hamsters took a nibble on it...

And it still plays fine!!!

Get the nut fixed and you LOCK N LOLL once again!!!
they're all liars!!! you can never play with this guitar anymore!!!!!

sell it to me! I'd take this unplayable guitar off you for $69!
superglue? NO.

it will be a mess and hard to remove for the technician who repairs it.

maybe it's just a nut, and simpler to remove, but a point to those whose guitar necks or headstock or even acoustic bridges come out, don't superglue it. It may render repair that was quite simple to do difficult.

yours just look like a chipped nut. That's easily changed. Yupz. so..breathe and relaaxx
gsonique said:
Remove the damaged piece ...(if your knees are knockin ....then get someone else to do it) and replace with nut of choice.

LOL !!!!!!!

but anyway to the thread starter.

your bigass pics jus ruined this thread.


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