OMG I zhnnnnnnged my guitar


New member
From this:

White base first...

OMG zhnnnged:

3 Effects in it:
FAB Overdrive
FAB Echo (modded to increase and control delay time)
FAB Chorus

All with true bypass switching.

More pics:



No more lugging of pedalboard to small gigs :D
Wow this is really hardcore!!!

How would u know which knob to tweak for each "pedal" ?

btw the pic on the guitar is wayyyyyyyy cool la.

What brand of guitar is it anyways. Never seen it before.
my gosh. Mighty innovative, ark. Has it been done before? Besides the Variax.

What do the images represent? If I may ask...

Extremely impressed, I am!
It's a fernendes japan. Bought it 2nd hand off a guy.

Took me about 2 months I think, but not working on it everyday, only during my spare time.

The white base was done by me, but the painting was done by Cherie, my stompbox artist. I told her to go wild, paint anything, so I've no idea what was in her head :D

I know all the knobs inside out because I wired them and debugged all the problems, no need for any labelling there :D

Matt Bellemy has a guitar which is even nuttier than mine:


If I'm not wrong, it's got a Fuzz Factory, Phase 90, Fernandes sustainer, wah probe (the pickguard), Piezo bridge, and a WHAMMY MIDI CONTROL. Also fitted with Sim's custom L.E.D 's along the side of the finger board

Now, THAT guitar is nuts.
I HATE THE 2 OF U!! :x


wah to share the problems u came across while modding ur guitar?
I think the nxt hardcore project would be trying to fit in a GT8 inside ur guitar. Complete with expression pedal and selector switches. And maybe fit in the power supply while ur at it too ;)

That, will be the ultimate.
wa, impressive!! im truly amazed, 3 efx! im only intending to put an eq into my guitar, now working on it though. LOL! crazy man, u da man! :prayer:
i suggeest he install the kitchen sink on it!


hurhr mount ur wah probe on the side i tink gotch space hurhurhur

bro blueArk bro is the man!
8O!!! nice knobs and grpahics!! you should send the pics to fernandes japan, show what you have done to the kiyoshi model and maybe they might hire you over :D
Thats a true CUSTOM GUITAR! Fernandes BlueArk Custom :twisted:

But those extra cavity and so many silicon + wires inside affect its original tone?