OM: You softies might wanna kick me


New member
EH.. this is my very very very first audio post in SOFT.. ANYWAY i'm really really noob. so hope you guys are nice enough to comment on it. I'm jus a fat girl playing the guitar, so please dont me be mean. hehehe.. Anyway was feeling rather 'dead', so i jus pick up my guitar and started recording whatever i play.. and this is what came outta my guitar. Hmm.. okay it's really noobie stuffs.. :lol:

The title is call- free.. NO it's not about the Singapore sale.. EH jus feel like calling it "free". SO OKay.. i think it's time for me to hide my face now. *runs* :?
hi Kaye, welcome to SOFT!

the song's chord progression is nice. your strumming also quite powerful, got bassline here and there. would be interesting to hear the melody/voice to it.
a good start

hello kaye,
how are you there..well,as a good starter thats not bad at all..i might say you are more blessed than other who are inspiring to learn to play guitar but cant..keep on and do more practice..okey..keep it up!
cheers! God bless
To Soft: wee.. thanks :wink: hmm melody.. might be adding in the vocals if possible.

To nuj: Hello hello, Thanks!! yups i'll keep on practicing.

To dhalif: eh lif, gimme 13 years! i'll be a aunty shredder! wooohooo! lol.

To xiaoviper: yups i reuploaded.. so click on the url again. :lol:

Hey Kaye nice effort for a noob....not too sure but chords are C, Em and a D for the intro? Then a G and Em G for the end with A or Am thrown in at the end. Your pinky is put too good use to add harmony to the song but the E bass kinda drowns it out.

Play it clean I say.
aah u people are nice! i'll try to come up with new tunes every week.. yay.

Thank you XiaoViper!

To killinghall: Wooo oasis! my first acoustic song was "Wonderwall"! hmph too bad i cant freaking sing.

To SoundMixPro: Thanks.. yups. Hmm true i kinda concentrate more on the bass strings.. thanks for the advice.
Yups.. cus i kinda played the bass strings too loud.. that's why the recording is rather crappy.. thanks for the advice. :D
man..... oasis's song bird is fav song..

KAYE inspired me to play acoustic! wait! when i got money i buy a acoustic den record let u guys hear! :D
Kaye said:
acoustic rocks

Cheers to that! Hahaha.

I like when the strumming part comes in after the intro. A nice contrast. I can already imagine having vocals in it... Would sound really great. I'll be waiting for the version with vocal! =D
TO fored: i will take a long long long time.. cus i cant freaking sing.. hahaha.. so yeah i'll need my mates to fill in the vocals