EH.. this is my very very very first audio post in SOFT.. ANYWAY i'm really really noob. so hope you guys are nice enough to comment on it. I'm jus a fat girl playing the guitar, so please dont me be mean. hehehe.. Anyway was feeling rather 'dead', so i jus pick up my guitar and started recording whatever i play.. and this is what came outta my guitar. Hmm.. okay it's really noobie stuffs.. :lol:
The title is call- free.. NO it's not about the Singapore sale.. EH jus feel like calling it "free". SO OKay.. i think it's time for me to hide my face now. *runs* :?
The title is call- free.. NO it's not about the Singapore sale.. EH jus feel like calling it "free". SO OKay.. i think it's time for me to hide my face now. *runs* :?