OM: Trooper Solo

Careful with some of your pitchings when you bend, and timing, try to follow the drums closer on some parts.

But overall good attempt.
Very nice! I'm currently mastering this song too... But just can't get the fast hammer pull offs part well... Its at 0:11 - 0:18.

Anyone got any advise on how to get that part well?
Not bad, if you hear it once wouldn't find it much mistakes.
But upon hearing twice or more, i also find it unpleasant at 0:27

May i ask what did you used to record?
And what did you use for backing?
I got the backing track from somewhere, cant really remember where..if you guys want, i can upload the track.
hey man .. nice job ... besides the the fast hammer on pull off part at ard 0.14 . it was great ..

and nice tone !

wat gear u using for this piece of great music ?
siva said:
hey man .. nice job ... besides the the fast hammer on pull off part at ard 0.14 . it was great ..

and nice tone !

wat gear u using for this piece of great music ?

Im using boss gt6