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Hi i did this "power punk" song, i was thinking about power metal, then what about power punk? so i quickly made up a 4 chord pop punk riff n did some "power" flavoured lead over it.

I personally thought that the starting was a bit boring, then as the song progressed, it got very shiok. So im trying to convince my band to play "POWER PUNK!" offence to any hardcore genre policemen. Please tell me what u think too, thanks. :)

heres the link:
Alright the comments below eh, take is as a pinch of salt. Must clarify first, I M O. Ok?

The song was very very messy. Lower down your gain level for both guitar parts and try recording again. Although I can make out what notes you're going and went for but it pains my ears trying to listen hard.

Your phrasing needs to improve though, maybe you can plan out whatcha gonna play first for the 3 minutes song, learn the "ups-and-downs" in song writing and maybe it can be better. It sounded very plain, boring and bad. No offence.

The front was ok as I was able to make out what you were playing, at the back, sama sama. But it somehow led me to "WTF?" cause its like "anyhow" whack one. Some notes were pretty off and I think your guitar is abit out of tune? Maybe it's just me.

Then again, take everything as a pinch of salt. Just IMO.

thanks for comments Kwerty! haha, sorry the notes are blur, my guitar is in tune, n i did hit some out of the scale notes. lol...but thats about my level lor, hahaha... :oops:

its my "style" to play this kind of stuff, and i noticed those who like to be more precise/accurate wont like, but sounds pretty ok to me lah, sort of like it, haha.(think slash when he plays fast with wah) :P

anyway really appreciate the time u took to listen n comment! :D
Hmm no offence ah, it's not about liking or not. Or suit ears or not. There are times where you use notes that give you a certain feeling and such but the notes you chose are really out of the scale. Not say must play within the scale la but yeah it sounds pretty wrong.

No worries man everyone starts somewhere mah. Slowly learn, explore, play with more backing tracks and you know what note choices can use on certain chords, etc.

Nevertheless, good effort.
oh man, really? :cry: well wat i played at that fast n "inaudible" part, its like you know the middle notes of the minor pentatonic scale, but play all the flats that are between those notes too. haha, really tot it was alright tho, yeouch. :?

Ok for tone, i dunno how to fine tune it, it doesnt sound so "sharp" on the amp, but from amp line in, then it becomes like that, any advice on that tho?
ok, comments from an ordinary music listener...

ermm, i agree with kwerty. its kinda messy. somewhere after 1.55, its like you've lost it or sumthing.
u did some bends somewhere at the front and i think you did it nicely. i'm a sucker for "bends"(sounds weird to call it this way). gives me that high feeling.
some techniques u did and some notes sounded kinda odd.
however, overall imo i think it was a really nice piece/s(of jigsaw). :D
once u put it together nicely, it'll be awesome.
ok thanks anep, basically this is to show what we can do to a punk rock riff if it were "powered" haha. So yea i didnt pre plan it, just did sth along the lines of what my idea of "power punk" was. Yup, btw some of the bends that sounded "out of tune" at the "messy" part were deliberate, hehe to give that kind of "out of this world" feel. Haha, ok man, really didnt expect it to be so disliked, maybe i should just junk the idea. Lol...
I agree, a bit too high la the gain. When the first power chord was played I thought it was like techno or something. And try to organize your riffs properly, there are some of your rhythm guitar parts that seem kind of weird like at (1:15 to 1:31) the transition from lead fill to lead solo sounded quite out of place. Instead of doing power chord slides (actually, I'm not sure what you were doing), maybe just tone it down and do a 8th note chord spam then 16th note then bam! slide out, stop then guitar solo comes in with chord spam again.

It's your song tho, so no harm asking your band to give it a go or something. See how it works out. Interesting concept too.

Actually some power metal songs have very basic chord progressions (from what I think I hear).

Try getting a copy of Freedom Call's Eternity album and listen to some of their songs.
I gotta state out front that I know not much about guitars, but from my point of view, i think it's quite messy and the gain is too high. if you were to produce one with a somewhat 'cleaner' tone, i'm sure it would sound tons better. the playing was good, but try to organise your ideas. there were some interesting ideas put out, especially in the intro, and you could have done better by working and stretching a few ideas, rather than introduce a multitude of notes.

strive harder , and i'm sure you would hit success soon! :)
DI- recording w/out cab sims/emulators, will give u that kind of tones.

anyway guitar-wise, with focused practice, u will improve.

@Dhalif-Bam - time to unleash our shred-punk :D
there were some nice licks in there.. but i agree, your recording and phrasing must improve..

Don't lose hope on power punk though! \m/

Paul: lets make a recording ah, when lif gets outta camp :lol:
thanks guys for checking this out. :) alright, i musn't give up, must work harder. To be honest i was feeling pretty down n lost all inspiration to play guitar after reading the first few comments, maybe im just bad at handling such things, but now im feeling better n playing guitar again..hehe..:D
No problem man, probably just the bad recording that made it sound that way.

First time I tried to write a song off the top of my head sucked too, but it gets better along the way. =)
thanks for the encouragement, will try my best, even if some people think that my stuff sucks universally and cant be nice...ever...haha...btw got any free software to recommend to aid in synching the guitar parts properly? eg. to fit the rhythm part in time with the lead. :)