OM: playing blues lead

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New member
sooooo this is me first OM

and i would like to share with you all how i play lead guitar. and i love to rock to the blues..ive been playing lead guitar for quite a while already and im still not sure how to progress. i used alot from the A blues pentatonic scale and itty nity bits from the F# pentatonic as well. some wannabe shredding....ya can sometimes say there can be a whole load of crap..:lol:

my guitars start at 0:33

i used a backing track from the internet and ive used adobe audition to record. my gear is an ibanez gsa60 electric, boss ds-1 distortion and korg ax1500g toneworks multi effects. i used delay forsome ambience.

comments and critique encouraged.

uhm enjoy! =)

cheers ;)

I think don't use too much of those triplets/beat stuff coz it sounds "too in pace" after a while.

mixing 2, 4, 5 notes/beat etc within a phrasing or scale run shld be more sophisticaed and interesting

rock on!
Hey there, these some suggestions

- start on an offbeat
- try throwing in some triplet-runs
- more bends
- vary the rythym so that it doesn't sound so systematic

Wah, haha I sound pro eh? Actually I'm not! In fact, you're a better player than me and I don't have the balls to put up my OM yet.

Oh yeah, I'm learning how to play the blues too. It would be great if you could intro me some cool Blues songs
haha naw we dont really cover bands, but we play indie/alternative.

im just putting this track up with my recorded playing to see how i can improve as a guitarist. and to discover my strengths and weaknesses.
Not a bad effort at all...but its still not as bluesy as you would probably like it to be....
Firstly, the it a processor?cos your dynamics just dont show...
Secondly,you need to know a lot more licks...not in the sense of maybe completely new licks but variations on the ones u already know...the repetitions are way too many...
Thirdly...and Ive said this before....the blues is a very vocal're supposed to send a message when you play....just playin blues licks and goin up and down the scales will do no good...try to be a lil bit more vocal...

apart from that...good 'shreddin' which is a relief...if i have to hear another 'blues' track with yngwie licks...someone gonna get a hurt real bad :lol:
hey man thanks for the comments! ill improve.

yeah my licks are pretty repetive as i do not posess alot of knowledge on the fretboard. i know the blues.

so how do i go about it?
"Don't Know Fretboard ?"

Get guitar pro, turn on the virtual fretboard, choose the scale eg. pentatonics. Download tabs from the blues artist that you like. Study/Copy/Learn/Memorise/ then regurgitate how they use their pentatonics.

Kill 2 bird in 1 stone. Learn more licks, Learn Pentatonic Scale.

Alot of players reuse their licks, SRV, BB King ......etc. But notice how they vary it, diff rhythm, different picking technique. Try using your fingers to play......

Vocal players ? BB King.... reuses his licks to death.. but sounds so damn awesome everytime. Maybe its the tone lah... Jeff Beck (finger king)

I think it would sound better if you used less distortion or no distortion. Notice how good that clean guitar sounds in the backing track. Not saying you don't use distortion. I just think its too much IMHO.

Wanna see how a blues master do it....? Buddy Guy coming this March 16... :wink:

erm..... I tink I only can play half as well as you.. heheheh :twisted:
Considering that you are a beginner.

I thought it was a really good try and effort.

Things were in tune, not much stuff was really off or off the pitch much. Could hear that you were experimenting with various ways of playing the scales, with some legato, occasional attempts at fast runs and etc.

Much that needs to be said, already has been followed up by the guys above. Work on your dynamics of both your fretting hand and picking hand. It will make whatever you have just played sound much better and the various means of expression will also be more.
well ive been playing for about 3-4 years in total, and have been playing rhythm guitar alot. but yeah you could still say im new and consider myself a beginner to playing lead and improvising.

thanks for the help! =)
No prob.

Which would explain your sense in timing. Having great rhythm experience helps greatly in lead guitar playing. Try to adapt the same dynamics you would use in single notes. Muted and open, hard and soft strokes, fingers or with a pick, loud and soft and space between the notes.

Takes a bit to know when to use what for your personal preference. But once you get the hang of it, you will know what to use for whatever sound you got in your head.
How you go about the progression chord by chord...and learn what to play over each chord...dont worry about playin a certain number of notes...Ive heard players take 4 notes(no octaves allowed) and play a complete solo out of it... :lol:
In blues...the I IV V each play a role in the progression...start of by takin a coupla srv songs...and listen to the progression behind his solo....and see how he chooses his notes on his solos...and BB King...Albert King...learn how to get a good can just hold one note and ppl will think ur god...but you gotta do it right :wink:
somehow I thought the front part was good. however as you progressed on, it just sounded messed up. giving me that kinda jumbled up feeling. is there a climax in this song? well, just my opinion but great job :)
How you go about the progression chord by chord...and learn what to play over each chord...dont worry about playin a certain number of notes...Ive heard players take 4 notes(no octaves allowed) and play a complete solo out of it...

This method is less often used by guitarists.

We usually just solo to the key, not bothering about the chords so much.

IMO, its really something, when you can take a solo and work on it chord by chord. Then you can bring out certain flavours, b9, b13, maj7, etc etc just by note choice alone.

That's not easy and so few try to do it... running up & down as fast as possible is an easier way out. ;)[/b]
As someone who used to do the very same thing I know what u mean.. :lol:

workin on a 12 bar blues progression is a lotta fun...3 chords...thats all u gotta worry allan holdsworth required :wink: