OM : My originals

wohooo... nice graduation song mix canon in d rendition. really really nice. i've always known they sounded the same, but never have thought of mixing them together. good job guys. :D
nice "jang jang" feel to it. heh. like "lost". cheers

but marred a little by recording quality so can't really hear the lyrics...
i liked everything except for the canon medley i hate that song. the ending solo for lost got a little messy. nevertheless thats some great stuff you have there!
thanks thanks!

yeah all recorded wif a trusty cheapskate mic and my home amp

Yep, all are originals...

except the Canon in D arrangement one..

Thanks for all the comments guys!!
Really a good help...

As for the difficulty with hearing of the lyrics, its mainly because I don't want to stick too close to the mic where my breath will be recorded... =/

When i do get some $$$, probably I will find some way to record them nicely :)

These done here are done by me, vocals and all, recorded over n over with Creative Mediasource, which explains the lack in quality, sorry about that though!

Daryl : yeah i always thought it was a little messy cos I tried to outline the chords and harmonize it at the same time... plus run the canon behind too

The story is this... As we all know the chords for Canon are:

G D Em Bm C G C D

So i figured i could try and reharmonize the melody with

Em Bm C G Am Em C B7

And so i ended up with the canon sounding abit sad..

I'm no theory wiz so correct me if i'm wrong :)

Thanks daryl again! I actually felt I was doing too many things at once at the end too... When i re-record it i'll chop it down abit.

After all, less is more :)

oouh cool man. the Canon,, shitto.. trying to learn that song now on piano.

the vocalists' voice .. ROCKSZ.
just a little stretch and you are on your way to spill your lungs OUT !

keep it up !!!!
thx thx

thanks for listening dude!

woah i wonder if lung spilling is good :|

ahhh... nv got to learning piano yet hahaz... maybe after i get better at guitar :D

thanks for the comments, really a great motivation!
wow some nice songs there dude! how i wish i could sing like u. :( and able to play guitar too..... very cool songs. imagine, its will be great when the drums fills in!

Hi Evan,

Thanks for the songs and it is refreshing as there are many very good guitarists and pianists around who do originals like yourself.

Cheers! To Originals!
