OM: Imagine

yeah, but I was playing my electric at the time. on the night I will be playing accoustic though.

i need some constructive criticism! then I can change and fix up my playing and record the full song on accoustic.
hmm maybe you can try to strum in a more sorta "waving" action ya know wot i mean instead of single stroke strumming? that sorta makes it sound nicer hehe
You will be singing over this right? Maybe u can record the vocals too...Kinda "plain" the way it is now...
i dont think it is the software that is giving the 'sound'. it got much to do with the guitar output and soundcard input.

ok, to do a simple test. If you have a cd player, connect the output (line-out) to the soundcard input (line-in). Record the music. Then rip the CD track and do a A-B comparision.

There will be a difference but listen carefully and think if this is the reason why the guitar is not sounding good?
buy a convertor, stereo convertor, dun get cheated like me. then plug the line out of ur effects to either the mike or the line in of the comp.
IMHO........ur chord work can be improve alittle bit more.....
maybe use a metronome......
helps ur chord changing and ur tempo even n smooth.....

U can try to do a ghost note in between the chord changing......
to hv a smooth transition wen u strum n do the chord changing beta and without an empty or sudden gap in between ....

Y not tyr dis....Wen ur change to a next chord......pick an open note in between, before u land on the next chord.....dats means.....a ghost or open note/or string inbetween the chord changing.....

Dis will help to minimise the emptiness n the songor melody keep flowing.....

Hope dis help....maybe need fw fractise and it will becomes a flow in ur strumming......dis can be applied wen plucking a string chord........

No offence....jus tryin to help u.....

Ady, of course no offence, thanks heaps, thats a good idea and shall practise it :D

thanks guys, might look into a converter.
mono, the sound will only be heard from one speaker only. i'm not sure if its called a convertor, its just the thing to allow ur big cable head be able to plug into the comp that thing. i got cheated by someone when getting it......