OM: Collaboration with MrRhoads

SpaTanS said:
woo ... cool !!! very nice guys ... is this a song by Santana, SC ?? u have a strong intro ... yeah, sliding sounds good too ... :)

A Santana song? No man! Haha.. .just some backing track off GT. :)
hifi_killer said:
shredcow ,that lick of urs from 2:28 to 2:33, thats so damn cool. can show me a tab of it? my ears cant pick it up.

Here. My notation isn't very accurate but its a rough idea of the timing.


The lick starts with an A harmonic minor pattern that is repeated an octave lower later on. The thing that makes it interesting IMO is the off-beat playing. Really makes people's ears perk up, esp if they aren't into funk/jazz/swing/bossa and the other genres that use a lot of sycopation.
Oops! Mistake here...
The D in the 1st bar (last note) and 2nd bar (2nd note) is actually an Eb. :) Play it a fret higher. ;)
popeye said:
Hi shredcow, how can you have tonezone, breed and humbucker from hell together in the song?

if he has a guitar with 3 humbucker sots like the gibson black beauty or ace frehley les paul he can i guess. :lol:
woww!!! you guys rip big time man! especially love the part when you guys starts to shred! woohooo!!! very nice stuff! more coming up?
echoist said:
woww!!! you guys rip big time man! especially love the part when you guys starts to shred! woohooo!!! very nice stuff! more coming up?

Hey echoist... thanks for listening... I hope there will be! I'm open to more collabs and stuff.. right now, working on a piece. ;)
still cant stop listening to this song.. especially the last part of the song.. simply love it man.. hey cow how did you play your last part ah? the 3:20 to ending? did you play with whammy? im love the part at 3:36-3:39.. care to share?
strats said:
still cant stop listening to this song.. especially the last part of the song.. simply love it man.. hey cow how did you play your last part ah? the 3:20 to ending? did you play with whammy? im love the part at 3:36-3:39.. care to share?

Hey man.. I didn't use a whammy for the last part at all. Just bending and vibrato... that 3:36-3:39 part was just a trill and slide.