OM: Collaboration with MrRhoads


New member
Hi all,
Here's collaboration between me and MrRhoads. :)

We used a backing track from a previous issue of Guitar Techniques and took turns soloing over it, and I must say... it turned out pretty cool!

Equipment used will be listed beside the section where we soloed... so yeah, if you like a particular tone we used, you'll know what we used. ;)

  • MrRhoads (PRS Santana SE into Yamaha DG Stomp)
    0:07 - 1:11

    Shredcows (Normal gear, guitar equipped with Dimarzio Breeds)
    1:11 - 2:17

    MrRhoads (PRS Santana SE into Yamaha DG Stomp)
    2:17 - 2:28

    Shredcows (Normal gear, guitar with Dimarzio Humbucker From Hell neck)
    2:28 - 2:52

    MrRhoads (OLP Van Halen copy into Yamaha DG Stomp, using Jim Dunlop steel slide)
    2:52 - 3:22

    Shredcows (Normal gear, guitar with split Dimarzio Tonezone bridge)
    3:22 - End

Enjoy the clip.

Jam with Daniel and Jason
nice playing !!! the 1st solo by daniel sounds damn santana !!

damn .. tone is gd(not like mine..hai.. hahaha) and playing is gd !!

perfect ! fabulous ..really like it !!
woa..any tips for amateurs like me? :lol: i thought it sounded a bit like a mix of santana and some hokkien song for mr rhoad's parts and very vai-ish for shredcow's parts :?
Lol! Thanks guys for your compliment. Really glad that you like it.. it's definitely a satisfaction i got from playing guitar. Hehe any nice malay or hokkien songs to check out.. ?

hey blahblah.. what can i say.. hmm have fun! Maybe we can exchange tips and tricks in playing? I still got much to learn esp. from Daniel. He's one pretty cool guitar player around here. :D

siva said:
nice playing !!! the 1st solo by daniel sounds damn santana !!

damn .. tone is gd(not like mine..hai.. hahaha) and playing is gd !!

perfect ! fabulous ..really like it !!

Santana? I never liked his playing though... haha, but thanks nonetheless. :)
blahblah said:
woa..any tips for amateurs like me? :lol: i thought it sounded a bit like a mix of santana and some hokkien song for mr rhoad's parts and very vai-ish for shredcow's parts :?

Tips... well, expand your horizons... listen to more stuff esp other genres... so as to spice up your playing with something thats different. Thats 1 way to get better.
MrRhoads, it was rocking to collab with you too..

Your Bridge section was spectacular.. esp the part where you played with the pickup selector... ;) I've been thinking of getting a kill switch just to do that effect... Then your slide section stumped me.... TOTALLY. Hahaha...

Great playing. ;)
woo ... cool !!! very nice guys ... is this a song by Santana, SC ?? u have a strong intro ... yeah, sliding sounds good too ... :)
Hey thanks alot!! Hmm it's just a backing track i got from shredcows when i suggested a collaboration... I'll like to listen to the original version too which i've no idea of, right now. :D