OM (Cheez): my latest piece!


It's not finished (sorry to those who have been asking me to write a new peice for some time now), but I thought of just keeping track on how it's developing: so you get an idea of my working process, and also to force myself to complete it. I've really no time to write, but a busy song writer friend told me once that I'll never have the time write anyway unless somehow I find it (if you're reading this Kenneth, thanks!). So here it is: started last night. It may take a while to finish it.

Concept: started at least about 3-4 months ago.
Title: I'll have to keep that a secret... I can only say for now that they are part of the Narnia Suite. There are 2 main themes in DIFFERENT time signatures! I'll have to combine them together somehow. Should be interesting.

Started last night.
Step 1: Choosing instruments and building template in sequencer. So far I'm up to 54 midi tracks and I've not completed the template. May go all the way to 64 tracks. Strings section itself is already 31 midi tracks. Choice of instruments and articulations depends a lot on the piece. So the entire concept of the piece needs to be clear before even starting choosing the instruments and articulations. Instruments for this piece include: full string section (violins 1, violins 2, violas, cellos, double basses, flute section, clarinet section, solo oboe, trumpet sectoin, trombone section, bass trombone, french horn section, harp, tympani, bass drum, snare drum, xylophone, cymbals, penny whistle, and more to come...) Time taken: about 2 hours.

(Blue texts are on-going process - other text in the post are replies or comments. That makes it easier to track the progress)
Very interesting Cheez, I like how you are going to try different time signatures, feeling adventureous musically eh?

Thanks for giving us a chance to look into a musician's working process, hopefully I can steal something from you. :wink:
Thanks Shredcow. Yes, there is going to be irregular timing scattered in the piece. But the real challenge is to combine 2 themes into one while both of them are at different time signatures. So I'll be having 2 themes playing at the same time in different time signatures. Not impossible. Just hope it won't become rojak...
is it like one playing 4/4 at tempo 120,
another one playing 3/4 at tempo 90?

I always looking forward for your orchestra piece...
with your huge library, sure sounds very rich...

keep us updated with the progress. :wink:
mingguan said:
is it like one playing 4/4 at tempo 120,
another one playing 3/4 at tempo 90?

No. It will not be possible to conduct an orchestra like that. The timing is the same. I'll not tell you yet - I have to try and see if it works. It's not that difficult really. Problem is my concept of the lower strings part are going too fast and may make it sound like rojak if combined with the different timing. Have to figure it out slowly.

with your huge library, sure sounds very rich...

Actually, the key to rich sounding arrangements is the orchestration. The library used only contribute a small percentage to the whole thing.

I'm now toying with the idea of using uillean pipes in the piece. Need some time to research on how to make it sound right. Also, I've already started dreaming about a rock/electronic/orchestral mix based on one of the theme used in this piece. Slap bass throughout, electronic rhythms - exciting!
Cheez, good end interesting endeavour.

Just a tip on the orchestration - it'll be good ot use samples from companies. Imagine a real orchestra - each violinist plays slightly differently - different left-hand technique, slight difference in timing etc etc etc. Layering samples from different companies creates a more realistic orchestral sound.

Good Luck!
Thanks RoRK of the suggestion. There are pros and cons to using samples from different developers. The pro is what you said. The con is most are recorded in different environments (some dry, others with different amount of ambience). Also, there must be a lot of care in layering. We usually layer small sections or add a solo instrument on top of a section. If we layer 2 large sections, we get an unrealistic large section (like 60 violin players). The other problem, is of course, the amount of samples one can load. I'm already maxed out in tracks. Last problem - different tuning of the instruments. European orchestras and American orchestras tune to different concert pitch (3-4 Hz off). This of course can be easily fixed by detuning the samples.

But you are absolutely right. That's why I use entirely different sample sets for first and second violins and sequence them separately. If I have the $, I'll upgrade my solo instruments (probably VSL or Westgate) to use for layering. Anyway, I am using 2 orchestral libraries here plus others. Will not divulge too much until the piece is done!
Template completed this afternoon. Total tracks: 58 tracks. I've left the other tracks empty because I anticipate addition later. There may be more complex articulations needed that I cannot foresee at this stage. So always to have backup empty tracks. Max track supported by Gigastudio 2 is 64.

Added female solo voice, but currently not entirely happy with the sample. The female voice comes in the latter part of the piece - I'll have to wait till then before I decide if I should change it to another sample. Otherwise, I may have to sing and pitch shift it my voice to sound like a female's...

Time taken: about 1 hour.
Total accumulated time: 3 hours.

Not enough time to continue. My younger son woke up and I need to read and play with him - today being Saturday. Too bad I can't save print screen to show you guys what the template looks like - my DAW dual boot removes almost everything else except DAW software. I took a digital camera shot - if anybody knows of a good file storage/sharing site, let me know.