OM: blues jam (dhalif and jeremyrozario)


Hi guys this is my comment , Jeremy needs to "RE-LEARN" blues solo and licks i dont want to comment much becoz that gonnas be a long way for you.... u to have "Self Control" in soloing too much shred with too many accidental notes, u really sounded like a .."DRILL". Well for Dhalif, hes a very talented young guitarist i have came across.. keep it up! what ever it is guys keep on rocking! cheers! :)
haha, veri simon cowell in nature(i'll take it in good humour), anw not that i dun noe e blues, but i juz got really fed-up when after recording abt a few takes and mi software kept on crashing, i tot i'd juz let it all out and juz crank it up

noticed the cranky bends and almost non-stop right hand alternate picking? :lol:
Can hear ur frustration. :lol: What the heck dude? You also know its not blues right? But the recorded tone is definately much much better than Dahlif's.

Big D... just sounds... like that. Good, standard playing.
I think Jeremy should have some direction in his soloing and some commer phrasing. Dhalif as usual, a good take with control.
i think u guys did well.. cheers!

You gotta be kiddin me man....either you're kinda deaf or kinda deaf

Jeremy you've got a good tone going on and dynamically you've got an idea of whats going and what to add.

Execution wise, it was just really poor. Sorry to say that. Your bends were all completely outta tune. Too many ending notes were just at a "stand still". The lack of vibrato made it sound lifeless. Speed wise its there, accuracy wise its not there. Get both of your hands in sync and work on your technique. Really need to work on your basics of lead playing, accuracy and fretting technique. Lastly your timing too, you sounded like you were in a world of your own and not with the music .

Dhalif was more ordinary on this track. But we all know what a good gutiar player he is.
all i can say is.. it can be better... jeremy, u gotta work on those bendings.. dhalif... we all noe how good u can get... this is not ur best.. but hey man... its ur expression and feeling at tht moment of time.. so hope to hear more good tracks coming in. coolz~! keep on rocking...!!
aiya, name of the song "we can't play the blues". jeremy, always frustrated. relax bro, blues is abt the feel and chill. tone was nice sia, playing, frustrated.
I didnt like the tone of either player....just my choice :lol:

Umm, I found the whole thing kinda boring....there are enough comments on technique I just wanted to say that it felt like rambling for most part....dhalifs got tremondous control over his fingers as usual...but over a bluesy progression it was boring...imo :wink:
jeremy's tone + dhalif's solo = :prayer:

jeremy's solo + dhalif's tone = :smt102

anyways, i'm pretty sure you guys are capable to do much better...kudos for the joint effort :smt023

(wonder when is my turn for someone willing to collaborate with me :smt017 )
Hmm, IMHO, thats not the blues.

Its just a bunch of notes filling up the space of the track.

I can tell that maybe your real influences are not blues-based, so maybe thats why the playing reflects more of your Prog-Rock? style.So its a good effort anyways and kudos for trying. :D

Need to have a bit more feel(which isn't easy lah honestly), and you need to punctuate the solos a bit more.try to be more percussive in your attacks

Try listening to SRV or Chris Duarte, see how they do it.

The tone- no comments (its subjective and personal)If you like it, then thats your sound-stick with it. :D
dun share the same sentiments on dhalif's tone nice...
sounds very "sandpaper-ish" to me. sounds like direct plugged in,
without an amp

anyway, good work guys.
you guys didn't use the vox amp damn!

blues is not shred. thats why the fat swede can't play the blues even if he say its the blues.
but not shredder here's mah wank bar weeeedididiiddilitytitytiyllllilililititititiitwoooaaarrgghhhhururururr style.

hate to hear blues being shredded to pieces.