OM : An Jing (Instrumental Version)

yup yup

but this is the instrumental version....

i was juz too lazy to repeat the verse again after the chorus cause in the actual song , jay chou repeats the entire song after the first chorus....
not fluid enuf... song was quite jerky and some parts sounded abit off as well...

btw was that you lying on the persian carpet? 8O
haha i juz learned that song last nite (well at least for the 2nd half of the verse and the entire chorus) :lol:

yeah i'm aware of this , in fact rhythem and timing is my greatest enemy!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

haha....yup the person lying on the floor is me!!!!
well....i guess that's the problem when playing solo without any accompaniment whereby mistakes made are easily noticed....

the audience would be looking out for the slightest mistakes from u and then pounce on u as if they wanna eat u up for dinner like that.... 8O
no offence la... but u posted a pretty noob piece to be judged and i guess the areas you need to work on have been highlighted.

u asked for comments ma.... appreciate them...

keep practising this song and girls will be swooning..
thanks for the comments anyways...

so i guess it's only about the weird pauses here and there but nothing else rite????

if not then i'll work towards a smoother piece for now... :D

and i have this habit of learning a piece and die die must record on the next day or even earlier no matter wad the outcome might be....

quality about quantity eh? :wink:
okay as some one who plays the keyboard...i think u are abit stiff on the keys here...did you look at the notes or something? too much of FF (loudness) on your left hand...its not about the fast playing but rather it sounds very choppy. on your legato...if you don't know what legato means...legato allows you to link your notes one after another so it won't sound as if its choppy or you are looking at your notes and trying to figure out which note you are playing etc...

i would say the beginning its nice...but the timing from suddenly jerked to another arrangement...why like that? the timing abit on the legato first before anything..after legato...check your left hand sounds more obvious than your melody... :D gambatte :wink:
yeah i have stiff fingers :oops:

sometimes when i play the song out of the blue my left hand sounds so soft and sometimes it goes too loud , thus disrupting the balance in tone...

haha...i dun really care much about dynamic wise cause i always tend to not see those abbreviations below the notes when playing... :P

besides i did not see any form of dynamics in the score or maybe am i just cock eyed? :lol:
DoubleBlade said:
besides i did not see any form of dynamics in the score or maybe am i just cock eyed? :lol:

its not about abbreviations but feelings. it shows completely no feelings at all? lol sorry just being frank...just practice more
i think my piano is a "heavy piano" because i find that no matter how much dynamics i put in , the sound still sounds very "stiff"

thanks for being frank iyona87 , at least it's another highlighted area which i will definitely look into.... :D
hmm ... it's not the piano that makes it so ... it seems that the dynamics is a little unbalanced ... needs more control on the dynamics ... it seems that your finger is a little bit weak ... build more finger strength and more control ... Exercise your finger

Do scaling exercises regularly (basic is impt) ... impt to keep your finger agile and provide more control on your dynamics.

Oh yeah, and your damper control needs work too ... that's why there's the funny mixed up notes and also for sudden stop use the damper to let it ring a bit.

nice attempt though

practise your basic more ... it's important to have a solid foundation before you go further ... and build more finger strength


rhythm: prac prac prac. darn important.
and perhaps you give weight to the wrong notes and emphasis to the wrong stops. makes it sound chopped up.

gotta post some decent stuff man. too many noobish stuff from you already.
