Olympics - Beijing '08: Commendations and Controversies


New member
The event is drawing to a close, but it seems like this Olympics is gonna be talked about for a fair bit longer than that. Lots of astounding moments and a lot of controversies as well: the Tibet issue, questionable pre-Olympics environmental state, the lip-synching girl, Michael Phelps' gold streak, Usain Bolt amazing run, pseudo-Team Singapore's medal achievement, Jade Seah's F-word slip up etc

Now this:


Your thoughts on this year's games?
I'm pretty sure she ought to be proud of her achievements. If it as been any other circumstances, I would be happy for her too.

But when it meant breaking rules and using government cover ups, at the expense of another olympian who worked just as hard if not harder, and having lost the gold on tie breaker instead of sharing the gold medal spot... you wonder what the heck are they really thinking?
Don't forget the american womens' and mens' team slip-up at the 4x100m.. And Jamaican womens' team(hot favourite) screwing up in the finals.
I saw this match and was surprised by the Cuban's action. I never thought that this will happen in the Olympic Games. I thought this only happen in WWE...
i dunno about u guys but to me this was the most controversial incident

