OD06 - Dying to be heard?

oh that's too bad then... you could still come down for the finals then..

haha so panz3rr, will see you during auditions then

1st Prize:
+ S$1000 cash
+ 1 x Parker Fly electric guitar (P42)*
+ 1 x Randall Guitar Amplifier (Rx20)*
+ 8 hours worth of recording vouchers**

2nd Prize:
+ S$500 cash
+ 6 hours worth of recording vouchers**

3rd Prize:
+ S$300 cash
+ 4 hours worth of recording vouchers**

For all finalist bands:
+ 1 set of Curt Mangan electric guitar strings for each guitarist in
the finals (choice of 9, 10 or 11 gauge)

Goodie Bag:
+ 1 hour worth of recording voucher from Focal Pro Audio Solutions

More prizes to be announced!
well, as long as you aren't the lead singer for both bands! haha... that would be weird... yeah, otherwise it's okay.
Anyway, thanks for the encouraging response so far.

For all potential bands out there yet to register, note that our goodie bag includes recording vouchers from Focal Pro Audio Solutions, as well as jamming vouchers from Guitar77.