judas-for DMAT, yes. or at least that's what my friend told me.

legin-drums? got to be really good then. my friend told me that bani hidir(b-quartet) played a DT song for last year's dae. my friend told me to create my own backing track and just go crazy. i'm having doubts :?
hmm.yea gotta be outstanding.gonna play some local shit la.or mayb some jazz and funk.ha. wat bout u strats?
haha i was going to play something by vai but my dad protested against my decision to take DMAT. so i'm not sure whether i'm taking that anot. :(
i wanna take aerospace electronics..all thanks to judas lorr..
but my r4 is 2 points more than last year's COP...
but..i dunnow lahhz
wadever course they put me into just accept it...

u know what my fren say when i tol him super_punk has r4 of 6..he's like pissed and told super_punk to go to jc instead or taking DMAT..

ok so irrelevant
you know..i sorta regretted going to jc...got retained summore..and a level cert is crock...if you all have the money..go overseas grab a foundation cert and move on to uni...local pte schs do that too..like mdis, sim..these 2 are the guaranteed established ones ah..with top schools like mcquarie, bradford, rmit, and the like..the other pte schs abit dogdy ah..skip a levels and gain more field experience doing varsity..

but then again...you still have to be really certain as to wat you wanna specialise in...if not..it's back to jc pple..besides..jc is seriously fun..

since i'm talking about jcs here....

ACJC will be having their verrrrry super duper ultra fun biannual FUN-O-RAMA this Saturday 18 Feb, 9.30 till 6..i'm helping my teacher with the coupon sales..so if you wanna beat the queue on the day itself..coupons are at 10 bucks each...
there'll be games and food and the ever famous haunted houses...
so if you interested..can pm me or just add me on msn and tell me how many you'd like...
ouhz. but u got retained at JC level so its like 3 years. if you're in MI and you got retained, then *OUCH* 4 years for you.

speaking of which, i'm still an MI student and haven't sold my 'Building MI Carnival' tix. the carnival would be held oh the 6th May at its toh tuck campus.

i dunnow if its legal to publicise it here coz the coupon says 'no door-to-door or public sales allowed' . haha

i wanna go to that acjc thingy, but forget it ah since i'm not even going to step onto MI/JC.

MI is effin fun. but i so so so so so so so hate the DM.
dude..just go for funorama lah..even if you dun wanna go jc..it's totally fun..immerse yourself in the ac spirit man..heheh..ask your friends and your friends' friends to come along also... :)
oh ya...

that time they wanted those who palying from score, bring ORIGINAL score...i ended up with bach sia...lol

erm...yes portfolio...DUMP EVERYTHING U'VE GOT ON THEM...its the sure way u'll even get to DAE in the first place. Send your demo,album...recording.posters.gig photos.EVERYTHING!

play smth impressive and in your limits...the audition guy is friendly dont worry...

my worst nightmare was chord progression... i dunno what bani hidir did for chord progression on drums...i guess jux play along ah...haha :D

cheers...18 pointers like me...DAE LA DAE!...dun give up
hey frummer, is 12 points considered ok for DMAT standards? i was just wondering. i already applied for DMAT thru DAE. cause the COP is exactly 12 and the demand seems bigger this year.... so what u think?
jc is onli for people who can study... if not u waste a lot of time there... for girls no problem... guys got the very scary thing called ns... =P
gosh i also 18.im waiting to get rejected by jae first then go through dae.cause u cant do jae and dae at the same time ya? plus im putting it in one of my choices for jpsae.
anyway... jiayou everyone for getting into the courses they want!! dun care what course... as long as you like it can le...

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