Sorry for turning this into a old-Seletar meeting place.
Seletar has quite a few strange deaths of servicemen to be very honest. But its a lovely camp, and I think those who has been there would agree. I got to see sea otters a couple times! Reasonable food too at the cookhouse and depending on your vocation can be pretty fun amongst NSFs.
But for guys not yet in army/navy/air force/CD/police, don't you worry. Just go in with a positive attitude whichever path of doing your 2 years you choose, learn as much as you can, FO and be able to talk cock with your friends about those days. If you worry, the worry will get to you, and you will suffer, and you may die.
For those with a positive attitude, either excuse yourself through it or sweat yourself through it, and if you die, you die, but at least you smiled for most of the time =]