NS deaths

For what waste your time in SAF, go become mercenary lah.

Remember "Mercenaries Never Die. They Just Go To Hell To Regroup."?


Anyway, to TS's original question - all I can say is uhhmmm.. people die all the time?

Healthy men die playing professional soccer, professional wrestling and professional so many things. I say 'professional' because they are supposed to be not just healthy, but in tip top condition.

you have to realize there's a tradeoff to everything.

in a war (depending on what kind, static trench warfare, a more mobile one, long or short), soldiers have to be pushed to limits.

if you want to blame, blame war itself, because war is brutal.

ideally, if war is brutal, training should be even more brutal to save lives.

all you idealists who use the term world peace so loosely are obviously ignorant about the prevailing facts about international relations and realpolitik.
My view on NS - Do it once, do it good.

NS, especially in the Army, is a chance for you to get to do things you don't do everyday, like fire rifles and pistols (certain vocations) and the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of throwing a live hand grenade. I consider myself to be lucky enough to leave the army with knowledge of handling 2 different types of rifles, a machine gun and a pistol. Not everyone gets this chance. Though it may be irrelevant in civilian life thereafter, stories gathered from the 2 years in green make good icebreakers and promises long hours of mindless chatter over the years to come. Everyone has a story to tell, and everyone believes their experience was tougher than the other's.

With regards to deaths in the military, it is sometimes rather sad to see soldiers dying in peace time; whereas a death during war can easily be justified. What we as Singaporeans can do is to see these deaths as a form of "patriotism". Especially to pre-enlistees; do not see this as a hindrance to your service. Rather, see it as a form of inspiration, albeit not in the best possible way. If people are willing to die while serving this country, you should, at the very least, serve with all your heart. Upon ORD, you will realise how much you miss those days.

That said, I wish all pre-enlistees the best in their upcoming service. For others like Faizal_Rocks and me, reservist all the way till 40! Alamak, the new uniform not nice lah!
My cousin whose fit as a horse, 22 pullup, 8+ min running did not pass the btm, why, he chao keng all the way LOL ORD LIAO HAVEN EVEN PASS BTM tts y he kena post to storeman, they say reservist still let him take BTM but I think he still gonna chao keng. LOL he told me his friend even more power lor, medical alrdy chao keng, fake eye condition, all the small small letter purposely nvr read, den the big as a palm one read loud loud, but after tt he kena post to a position everyday can slp and play pool!

Chao keng all the way is the only way! altho i haven serve ns, but i m sure i rather be called a sissy than being my seargant's pet lol.

Btw, i don think unatural death only occurs in army, it appears in everywhr, bcos its in army den gt report mar, but actually everywhr oso gt just they dun list in newspaper doesnt means dun hav
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Alamak, the new uniform not nice lah!

Argh, its okay. Feels lighter, more cooling.
But I had a headache over it. I suay sia, CQ for the hole Commando Battalion. There was so much work to be done, and on the day itself problems happened. One captain went to blast me cause ALB screwed up
AEnimic: Good luck! :D

Samsung: Ya, the new uniform not nice. The rank somemore at the front. Quite funny.
i number of deaths reported might have increase over the past few years, but it doesnt mean that there are actually more deaths. It'd probably meant that more cases are reported than cover up.

The sad thing about all these incidents is that, MINDEF will form a safety committee to review the incident and implement all sorts of ridiculous safety procedures from then on to prevent a repeat of the incident. They might have good intentions for these safety procedures, but back in camp, these procedures usually seen as 'wayang' , waste time or very troublesome. For instance, I dont believe in the past people drive their rovers at 50km/h, there must have been some major accident which convinced mindef to enforce 50km/h speed limit on to their vehicles
death is such a common thing. the only reason why we think that these deaths make a difference is because they aren't that common in the first place. the reason why we don't worry so much about the "regular flu" is because it's so common that we just block it out. or like the number of people dying in fires or car accidents. they're much more common than people dying in accidents related to national service that we're blind or we just tune them out.

so guys, don't worry about going to NS. it's probably much safer than crossing the road.
Hey, enlisting in 2 weeks time. Wish me luck y'all!

No worries. just prepare yourself Physically & mentally.. i think u gotta start doing some cardio training by the time you reading this !! LOL!! i've been thru it i know.. cardio is pretty important.. :)
Just on Friday another recruit died, he was from the same batch as me. Can't say what coy he is from though, afraid army will come after me. The poor fella collapsed when getting off the ferry at SFT.
is the recruit from PES C? i believe this time is PES C field camp. enhanced and ptp field camps was 2 weeks ago. If it is, quite a shame that someone has to die after an extremely slack field camp. If it's ptp or enhanced, nothing to say...