Note to James


New member
Hey James

Have been out of SG for a good 6 years now and it is great to see this site thriving with this much traffic and exchange.
0vid, uk
Hey Ovid, nice to see you coming back again! Haven't heard from you for a LONG while! How's things overseas?

I think SOFT website owed a lot to you. I remember your old forum in Delphi where some of us frequented. Remembered you actually telling us to migrate to SOFT. That was very generous. I think that was 6-7 years ago, no?

Drop in more here! The people here will gain a lot from your expertise and experience.
Hey Cheez

Good to see you still involved. Life and musical activity is good where I am, if one ignores all the manufactured pop BS (Xfactor, pop idol...). I am out of touch with SG and the SG scene so I have nothing to contribute unless it is something technical, but the likes of you should sort out the folks here who seek clarification and information.

hi ovid

yes! i have grown from a young budding musician-wannabe to a not-so-young boring husband. :lol:

i hope SOFT will inspire young musicians like how your SMF had motivated me.

* we need more technical people like yourself. else we will all be dreaming of the best-fastest-loudest.
Hi James

I will try to contribute though I am not in SG, so whenever I can drop by ... and yes ... the "loudest, best, fastest" shouldn't really take over. There is a lot of that here !

Good to see SOFT develop into the defacto calling point for pros, amateurs, retailers, etc.

Hi Edwin

Your website. Nice. I am still building basses, cabs, electronic drums, acoustic drums....all for myself as I have no patience to deal with customers.....It is nice to see this much commercial produce coming out of SG now. Have you sent one of your pedals to the commerical press for review? Frankly the RG Keen/ Keeley/AnalogMan stuff - now considered boutique - was nothing more than kitchen operations. I was trading circuits with Analogmike before he started selling stuff.... So your pedals could use a wider audience.

Hey Ovid,

I'm building just enough to make things fun for now. Juggling with tons of stuff. Will probably launch more pedals and then try pushing em to the states at a later date.

btw, the website is not mine but a friend and a dealer for boutique pedals in sg.

Really good to see you here again man!

