NOS Tubes= Good?


New member
I was wondering whether a NOS tube would mean that it would be better than current production tubes? I called up Well Audio at Burlington square and he said he was selling some NOS Russian power tubes that were good and cheap, one for only $18, but then again I've heard that Russian tubes are crap. What do you think?

*BTW I'm looking to get a 12AX7 as well as a 6V6GT, any recommendations? My budget's pretty tight, preferably both for about $50-$60, less would be good too:)
NOS, new old stock. Why new, but old stock? Nobody want it last time? Tube manufacturers produce too many last time, people not buying when its available easily?

Tube is just part of the pieces in guitaring and the sound. If money aint a problem, buying nos and testing prolly be fun, but for sure it wont automatically equate nos tube to better sound.
I see, so in some cases am I right to say that it may be used as some sort of marketing gimmick? Any particular brand to recommend? I've been recommended a few, JJ, Mullard, Tungsol, EHX, Sovtek etc. but not sure what to go for.. The amp I'm gonna put it in is a VHT Special 6 Head. Cab is loaded with Celestion V30.
Back in the tube days, tube manufacturers have better QC, so NOS have better quality and construction, with some being military grade. Less microphonic problems, better consistency, etc. Whether they sound better or not depends.

Anyway, the popular ones are running out and the prices are sky rocketing. I'll just stick to the cheaper current production tubes like JJ, EH and Tung-Sol. They've worked well for me so far. No major problems. The TungSol 12AX7 is nice!
I see. So should I go ahead and buy the NOS Russian 6V6 he recommended? very cheap, only $18. Goose recommended me that one! The guy at the shop quoted me $19.
I see. So should I go for the NOS Russian 6V6 he recommended? very cheap, only $18! As for the Tungsol 12AX7, Goose recommended me that one! He quoted me $19. My amp runs very clean, so is there any other preamp tube I should try out? 12AU7, 12AY7? Those are the only other 2 I know of.
For NOS Russian tube, you can check out reviews online and see if it's worth it. Which make is it, btw? Or you can just buy and try, since it's not too expensive. If you want your amp really clean, can try lower gain preamp tubes, like 12AU7 or 12AT7. 12AX7 has a gain of 100, 12AT7 is 60, 12AU7 is 20. Many ppl like to replace the 12AX7 with 12AT7 for a brighter, cleaner sound.

Btw, for shops specialising in tube audio systems, their "good" is only applicable up to a certain level for guitar amps. Hi fi systems do not overdrive the tubes, so they are looking at characteristics before clipping. Once the tube starts clipping, it's another story all together.
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For the Russian tube he said there were originally Russian words on it, but it was re-branded in the UK to Berlington if I'm not wrong. Not too sure about that one. My amp is very clean on it's on already, there's almost no break up when I turn it to full vol on the triode mode. I was just wondering, are there any tubes to reduce the amount of bass in the amp? Or must it be modded? My amp is a 2 knob job, tone and volume..
Hmm... Berlington tubes in Burlington Square. LOL

The EQ of the amp has more to do with the circuit than the tube, eg. tone stack. The tube does impart its own "color" but only slightly. Goose should be able to help u out.
Hmm... Berlington tubes in Burlington Square. LOL

The EQ of the amp has more to do with the circuit than the tube, eg. tone stack. The tube does impart its own "color" but only slightly. Goose should be able to help u out.

haha, Yes that's what i thought also:D So I guess the only way is to mod the amp then. Oh well.
I do not know about Well Audio in Burlington Square as a 'legitimate' seller, but NOS Russian tubes are cheap as there are still producers in Russia - EH is the old 'Refletor' factory and it may be these tubes which have been re-labled Berlington. Never heard of the brand before - especailly as a UK one. All UK brands were made in the UK - Brimar, Mullard, Osram, G.E.C. etc. Due to the high prices commanded, some people 'wash' the original logo off the tube and print Mullard or Telefunken on them to sell to unwary buyers.

The preamp tube will have the greatest effect on tone. I have Mullards, Telefunkens, GEC, RCA, Brimar and other NOS tubes and they all effect the tone differently. If you want lower gain, you can use a 5751 which is a military 12AX7 - Sovtek (EH) still make tham and they are available at Martin Electronics along from Well Audio. Mullards are mid rangy, Teles are very even and RCAs are more bottom heavy.

The amp is bassy as you are driving 6 watts into a 60 watt speaker and all the energy is being lost. A Fender champ drove 5 watts into a ten watt speaker, sot the speaker distorted too. Also the speakers were small - 6 and eight inch. Anything more than a ten inch, 20 watt speaker is too big for that amp - regardless of what VHT says. The early Marshall cabs used 15 watt Goodmans - so that was 100 watts amp going into 120watts cabinet! It's no wonder that no one can get real distorted tone out of the speakers anymore.

Sorry about the length of the reply, but try running your head on a smaller cab and see what happens. Otherwise, buy a handful of different make 12AX7's and see how she goes.
