noob help


New member
Hey, I recently went to a gig with my friends and started to take an interest into music.

Of course I've listened to music, however it was very surface. Merely whether I like a certain song or not. I don't even take notice of specific artists. As you could guess, I can't play any instruments either unless you count the basic music lessons in pri school but even that, has been returned to my alma mater.

Anyways, I have now decided to take to the internet to learn more! Problem being, it's such a broad subject and I have absolutely no idea where to start. Can someone recommend me some good sites for a completely clueless newbie to start reading up on general information? Obviously I realise that it is impossible to learn everything in a month or even a year, but I need to start somewhere and just have no idea.

Some subjects I'm interested in are:
1 Differentiating between different genre.
Totally clueless in this aspect. I guess I can read up on clearly defined genres like Metal, Rock etc. on Wikipedia. But then why are bands like Green Day labled as punk and Coldplay labled as rock when they seemed very mainstream and therefore pop-ish teeney to me?

2 I have no idea how most instruments sound like! I can listen to a song and only guess piano and guiter and even then there are so many sub-types. Can someone give me a crash course somehow?

Okay, I can't seem to think of any other questions at the moment though I have so much. That is why I'm looking for some good general site to begin reading. There's just no specific topic I have in mind, but all. It will be helpful if you guys can post random bits of interesting information here too, I can get them all. Thanks!
To be honest, I have not really been able to dissect the genres myself either.
There really is not any regimented fixed formula that defines a genre, although there obviously are differences between punk/rock/metal/death metal/power metal etc.

After a while, you kind of get how each genre sounds.
h2o said:
Some subjects I'm interested in are:
1 Differentiating between different genre.
Totally clueless in this aspect. I guess I can read up on clearly defined genres like Metal, Rock etc. on Wikipedia. But then why are bands like Green Day labled as punk and Coldplay labled as rock when they seemed very mainstream and therefore pop-ish teeney to me?

Ok, I don't like how this part sounds...I don't care about Coldplay, but Green should try hearing 1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours and/or Kerplunk...that should give you an idea of what's punk. They're not in any way pop-ish teenies!
green day IS pop punk, or punk rock. you wanna listen to some good punk rock, try sex pistols. all in all, genres doesn't matter. i can't differentiate between some genres. too many sub genres out there now, e.g brutal death,melodic death, technical death, brutal melodic death. just add one word and its totally different. can't be bothered :D
well dood, firstly, welcome.. :D

to know what genre it is, you have to BE the genre.. :lol: okok, kidding.
well, firstly u have to listen out to the different types of music first.
maybe ask u'r fren in msn to send you any song then ask what genre it is.
make sure that the song is a band song lah, not pop, etc..
so u listen to it all the way, not just half of it. listen to how the music is played.
is it heavy? smooth? catchy?
so later u'll see(or hear) how different each music is.
OR, u can go to or and listen or download to each type of song ar...

however, if you like music, dun just restrict u'rself to one type of music.
it wun hurt listening to emo even if you think u'r a metal type of person.. :wink:
dunno if i've helped you, but aniwae, good luck... :D