Noisy amp?


New member
I am using a cube 15 now and whenever I on my amp with or without the guitar plugged in, there will be some buzzing noise which really irritates me, both the clean and the lead. Anyone knows what causes this noise and how can I prevent it?
Is it because of the wires?

Thanks! :D
Let me put it simpler.

Look at the power plug, the one that you plug to the wall. Is it a round like, and with 2 round pins coming out??

Get that plug changed to our one squarish type with 3 rectangular pins coming out.

If you still do not know what I am saying or dunno how to(if you never done before) do the following. Print this out and bring your amp to the electrician neighbourhood shop and ask them to do it for you.

Remember, don't fool around with electricity if you dunno how, it CAN be fatal to you or your equipment.
if i'm not wrong, for 2 pin plug, the wire isnt earthed (grounded) so basically u can get a nasty shock when u touch any metallic part of your amp (it happened to me once on my marshall avt) and also when u touch the strings, u get a nasty buzzing.. for a 3 pin plug, the wire's earthed so the amp wun buzz animore.. hope tat helps 8)
Sigh..... looks like I gotta explain some more.

Remember I said the original plug is round kind?? These are actually similar to our UK design type. It also have an EARTH contact, except the earth is a strip on the side instead of another pin. I believe these type of plug is commonly used in the US. If you strip the wire, you will find that there is actually 3 wires, not 2. Color coding is mostly same. brown - live, blue - neutral, green - earth. (some will be black & white for live & neutral).

So you wire it up the same as our UK type plugs.

Note some amps actually are only 2 core wire, so don't have earth, normally tiny cheap amps.
well it's not that hard to diy, i did mine... well if you're unsure, go to any hardware store and buy the 3 pin plug, it cost 2 bucks and bring it to an electrician to get it changed. save you the trouble in case they dun have it. 8)

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