Noise gate/suppressor


New member
Is there any other easily available pedals on the local market?

i only know of the boss Noise suppressor (NS-2)

anybody owns this? how is it? 8)
Man... first, you sure you need a noise gate?

These things are horrid tone sucking monsters. They cut out any sound (noise) at a certain level... so you're playing is "cleaner".
dude...wat i know is tat it filters ur too much feedback or unwanted noise...good if ur playing area is too close or near the amp and u need to play loudly etc like when u are in a jamming studio...i am not to sure lar...but i think it will cut down on ur sustain etc ar...abt tone i didnt noe that it is a tone killer like shredcow say...but so far i use it i dun feel the change in my tone...
juz my opinion man....
u got to really research more on this etc...n good if u can get it to play around with...maybe jamming studio might have..i dunno
Noise gates work by chopping off sound/noise at a certain volume. Thats how it filters out the noise. So you see... you are just killing your tone since the finer nauces are filtered out.

Of course, if you play heavy metal and you don't use EMGs, go for it.

Do some research on it first please.
I have the NS-2 And i have it simply set to cut out when i am not playing, so no hum, and also pauses in son have no hum. I have the decay quite low so my sustain is completely natural, not losing any tone. 8O
ya, u can adjust the parameters... so u loss as little tone as possible, well its kinda a compromise..loss a bit of tone kill a bit of noise.....loss more tone, kill more noise...
any non true bypass u have in your chain will suck tone regardless. When your playing you cant hear the hum or hiss when your not playing just roll off the vol . That would solve the prob won't it?
What a noise gate does is it acts as an on/off switch. You can set the parameters of when it opens(on) or closes(off), depending on the level it is detecting. Lets say you strum your guitar and it goes -->VERY LOUD-->LOUD-->QUITE LOUD-->AVERAGE-->QUIET-->VERY QUIET-->NO SOUND

rough guide ah.

Then you set the gate to close at VERY QUIET. That means that your guitar will go to ...QUIET-->NO SOUND.

If you set at AVERAGE, then you get ...LOUD-->QUITE LOUD-->NO SOUND

As you can see, if you don't set things properly, you will get your signal cut off halfway. You'll have to balance between the amount of noise you can tolerate, with the amount of signal you mind being cut off.

A problem I have with noise gating is that it becomes unnaturally quiet when you are not playing. Then when you are playing, all of a sudden the hiss or hum comes back. Better to fix the source of the noise than to try to control it with the noise gate. Its a last resort tool.

By the way Nefianz, have you managed to sell your X Vamp? And did you get your distortion pedal? I curious what you bought in the end.
I think there is the decimator or something. All chrome casing. One of my friend bought it and IMO its better than the Boss NS2.
I myself have been using the NS-2 for the longest of times. I play metal and noise IS a problem, even with the hallowed GT-2.

I've read such topics many times over in various forums. And seriously, how much of a tone nut are we when we say "oh, the NS-2 sucks your tone, less sustain too". Can you really appreciate the difference? I have taken time to fiddle with the pedal and i can seriously say, unless you set all parameters close to max, there isn't appreciable tone loss. Maybe i'm just NOT UP THERE with ppl who can comment about 'tone-losses' or maybe i'm just a simple, easily tone-satisfied player.

I feel strongly for this thread because it's really quite ridiculous, at least to me, when ppl comment about tone-losses due to a noise gate or a similar pedal. How extraordinary is this loss? How appreciable is this loss of (beware of BIG word) FIDELITY or (even bigger word) NUANCE...?

Well maybe, like i mentioned, i'm just not THAT good a player. No intent in this reply, just my thoughts. Especially for those considering getting a noise gate. My advice: just go for it, millions of ppl use it and they can't be all wrong.
I used to own the NS2. But it was sucking my tone and interfering with my tone so much i sold it. There's this thing i find weird about it. With the threshold up, and when you roll off the volume on the guitar, every note played sounds like it was being swelled by a volume pedal or something. Cool to some, but totally un-cool to me.

ya, u can adjust the parameters... so u loss as little tone as possible, well its kinda a compromise..loss a bit of tone kill a bit of noise.....loss more tone, kill more noise...

Why not save the tone, and mod the pedals, upgrade the equipment to cut down the noise instead? :wink:
theblueark said:
By the way Nefianz, have you managed to sell your X Vamp? And did you get your distortion pedal? I curious what you bought in the end.

oh ya.. trade it away for a metalzone.. than trade the metalzone for a new ds-1 + $20 top up.. then now there's some hum makes my skin itches a lil ya noe.. not used to it as my v-amp had a noise gate which i liked.. therefor trying to find smt similliar or smt like tt..
i've been using an NS2 for the longest time,its probably one of the most important pedals in my chain. try playing any decent hi gain amp cranked up to ridiculous levels and see how long it takes for the noise/hiss to irritate you (and no i'm not talking about your little 15w amps)

its used more as a gate rather than a noise supressor,for dead silence in between fast stop-start riffs. i dont notice more tone-suckage than any other standard BOSS pedal, and like some guy above me said, if you set the threshold/decay controls right you could actually use it as a slow-attack,volume swell effect.

the other alternate would be the ISP Decimator,its supposed to be alot better than the NS2 but i haven't tried it so i'm not going to comment. there's also the rocktron hush units,but i believe most are rackmount. correct me if i'm wrong..
Lifehouse said:
I think there is the decimator or something. All chrome casing. One of my friend bought it and IMO its better than the Boss NS2.

ISP Decimator!!!

omgosh where did your friend buy it? i've been looking high and low in singapore. And yeah its way better than other noise gates.
Never found a use for noise gates bt then i dun play metal to keep thigns quiet in between i just roll off the vol bt the nagain i dun use super high gain stacks and such, my VC30 is enough. Read a review on teh decimator is guitarist, reviewer gave it 5 stars if i rem correctly.
My friend asked someone to bring in for him from states.

Anyway, to thread poster, try changing your play techniques. Are you muting your strings properly? If you ask me, MG10 + DS1 are not really a very noisy combo. I'm on a Line 6 Flextone III and a DS1 Ultra so far I don't see a need for noisegate.
hi Nefianz, i just have this to say:

i think most of the ppl posting here are using the NS2 "on" all the time. so i guess they most probably can hear the "tone sucking/loss" or whatever it is... my suggestion is when u r playing with really high gain, have the NS2 "on". but when u r playing with something with less gain, or clean, switch the NS2 "off". i've used it a lot when i was playing with really heavy gain settings. it does suddenly shut-off the noise plus ur last seconds of sustain if its set to the extreme. good for dimebag style of tight-assed riffing, but bad for blues.

another recommendation if u want to get this pedal, place only the noisy pedals (distortion, compressor, eq) in the send/return loop of the NS2. the rest of the pedals can just be linked through its input/output. if u don't get that, check the Boss site.

another thing u might like to do is maybe change the plug head of ur amp if its the 2-pin type. change it to a 3-pin type. it might help with the buzz/noise. i feel the NS2 is meant more for usage with higher wattage amps when the noise u get is from high volume/gain settings.

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