NO SOUND from my middle pickup


New member
hi guys !
i just changed the pickups on my JEM7V. i did the soldering by myself too. and now, i've a problem !
my 2 humbuckers are working fine. but my middle pickup is not picking up anything. no sound in another words. what could be the root of the problem ?
is it that i F-ed up the wiring for middle pickup ?
need help man !
thanks guys.
it's a Tesla Plasma-1. it only has a shield wire (wire without any rubber insulation) and a white cable. i wired the white cable to the switch selector and the shield wire to the volume pot. is it correct ?
Err I'm not quite sure about that...but if the white wire is the hot wire then I guess it shld be going to the selector. Then the other 1 shld be to grd... Shldn't there be any wiring diagrams provided for reference?
without looking at anything, its hard to say what happen, but for checking, heres some points which might help

1) If got multi meter, use it for continuity check. Cold solder joint will break the connection. Or somewhere along the conenction, your middle pickup hot lead is not going anywhere(thus cant reach the output jack, so no sound)

2) since the hot lead is connected to the selector switch, so from the selector switch, what is the path of flow for your middle pickup? To another connecting point on the selector switch or to the common point? And after common point, where the next path?

slowly trace the signal flow, from pickup, to selector switch, to pots and lastly to the output jack.

the above will be clearer if you can google round for the way how a selector switch function when you switch it.

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