Things to do with no dates on 14th Feb and under 20years old
1) Stay away from the internet
2) Do something useful, write music, train physical fitness, think, think deeper, etc
3) Go out in the real world, make friends for sharing funlaughterpeaceandjoyloveandharmony and not just thinking of a day that doesnt mean much unless you are young, sexy and dangerous to others
4) Read a book. Story books, self help books, deeper thinking process books etc
5) Play games, sports, computer games,
6) Help out in old folks home, orphanage etc
7) Think in a quiet spot, the purpose of life and the world around us
8 ) Study
9) Help stray cats, dogs in neighbourhood
10) Hide at home, avoid friends, people, internet, forums etc. Keep the senseless happening to a bare minimum. Once the day is over, start from point 1) to 9) again.