nid help wif my pedals...not functioning probably


New member
hi guys....i got some problem wif my pedals..
er...i using 1 spot...somehow...when i turn on my behringer dd100 delay...then wanna turn on jimi hendrix wah...the wah won't b working...n even when i off e wah...sound wun come out...must wait a min or so..then e sound will b out..any1 can help me?
is my wah problem or delay prob?..or is it the current problem?
help help ya..
will read up again after i book out on friday..
You should try to check the Delay first then the Wah or vice versa. Something like this,

Guitar > Delay > Amp


Guitar > Wah> Amp

The problem should be in one of your pedals. If not, check your patch cable. :D
thx for e reply...when i unplug my will b ok...when delay on...but when i chain up e wah wif delay on..totally no signal from my guitar etc...
I don't quite get what your mean bro. Have you tried my suggestion? Does the pedal work, alone? can work alone.....i'm using one spot to power up all pedals...even if i try individually..i also use 1 spot too...
If the following is the case:

Guitar ---> Wah ---> Amp OK

Guitar ---> Delay ---> Amp OK

Guitar ---> Wah ---> Delay ---> DOESN'T WORK

then the problem is the current draw for the two pedals is too much. You either need to use two one spot units, or one of the one spot units and batteries in the Wah. Delays are always power hungry.
patch cable not a prob...i tested it....i tink perhaps...current drawn may b e issue? i'll get it test out...left my pedals in
thx bros...

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