Ngee Ann's mass comm and SP's media comm...

yeah!! i fail english and i jus pass my MT gt 20 point =X if i study for those 2 sub i think i get better point.. like 16 or so.. BUT!! i slack for the whole year :) and i have no regrets at all :)
guys thanks for the info. without you all, im so lost at all this shit. so, now im going to study like a nerd for MTL this monday. hahaha. die siak, need 10 points. :smt090 ... but ok lah, try my best..

btw, for FSV, how many points needed?
you dont really need to study like a nerd, my classmates in MCM are super nerds with super nerdy scores. if you didnt make it through JAE, go for SAE, and impress them during the interviews.

im in 1st year in MCM and, so far its going pretty well. our lecturers are very nice and in MCM you get to do alot of stuff, fun stuff. but so we're given homework very very early(even before school starts we had some work already).

science is not mandatory if you're thinking of getting in through SAE, but if you DO fail science, hehe. be prepared to appeal throughout the nation. you might want to read up more on the modules offered in other schools, because if im right, Temasek poly is pretty businessy, so their mass media studies has integrated business also (correct me if im wrong).

anyway, its good you're interested in mass comm so early in the year. i had no idea what i wanted to do up till the results day. anyway, just do well for your english and you'll be in a better position than people who score As for everything and fail their english.

oh. and i love my course already.hehehe
satch said:
i failed science, and im in DMC eh?

thats nt true lah... need to pass math and eng only... DMC dont need science, need to be good in english, eng need B3.

if u want, engineering, then need science, business also no need science.

haha, thats why i planned properly during sec 4. i planned to catch up on sleep during science so i can study other subjects.

btw satch, u failed sci rite? then how u manage to get 12 points?

JAE is joint-admission exercise. this one, the whole o level batch will be filling in 12 choices of courses/schools(if choosing JC). so, you better fill in 12 choices when given this to fill, you might be left school-less if you fill in only, say 6 courses.

SAE is special admission exercise. courses offered under SAE would usually require you to undergo a written test and an interview. before that, you must qualify with at least a B4 in english and at least c6 in humans( I THINK)
so, lets say you score b3 for english, but die die wanna go into mcm(np), then maybe you failed your sci OR math(maybe) and got relatively good grades in other subjs(MT,Humans), they would consider you and allow you to sit for the written exams.

MCM(np) was opened up to JAE, so now we have lots of students coming in with crazy scores. my batch, they accepted 100 through jae, 100 through sae. i seem to be able to go on and on about this.

and our friend is able to get 12 for l1r4 because maybe his sci grades are ommited(unless he got super duper great scores for the rest. mm. also possible)

but this is the Olevels(which would indirectly(or directly) affect what type career you'll have) you are talking about. my advice is do well for maths, sci one humans and English. it sounds like im asking for alot, but if you really put in effort, you can be able to achieve it.

my friend failed her science and was not given any school through JAE, lucky for her she got into MCM through SAE.. usually people who get into through SAE are the ones who are able to charm the pants off the interviewers.

nyeargh, if you want to know more. just pm me on msn or what la. im like writing an essay already man,
LOL...well..I DO agree with the essay-writer...if you find that you really cannot "tahan" the stress, concentrate on your english (a must-have), one math, one science, and one humans. That makes L1R3...then choose one other favourite subject and go for it. that's the bare minimum. lol....and it CAN be done. I took 2 maths, 2 pure sciences and 2 humans (just to be safe)...and the scores differed completely.

so whatever it is...try your best...and be at your most

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