Question: What in Hell is a Christmas Guitar?
Answer: A Christmas guitar is usually, but not necessarily purchased around Christmas. Usually for someone who has no real clue about guitars.
NOTE: If you buy a guitar at Walmart, Costco, Sam's Club or any big box mega chain store. You might as well just take the money and light it on fire.
All year long we take Fender's Gibson's, PRS & other corporate brand guitars in on trade. We generally sell our entire Fender, Gibson, PRS inventory at Christmas. A Christmas buyer is usually a first time buyer. Most of the time it's someone's well meaning mom. They are primarily concerned with surprising Jr. with the guitar that they think he wants.
In fact 90% of the time Jr. really does not have a clue as to what to buy. Jr. only knows what he reads in the magazines or sees on MTV. Of course most of that is paid for hype and false information. If Jr. was really in the know, he would go out and investigate for himself what was good and what was hyped up crap.
When I first wrote this little rant back in 1999, things were pretty bad for the consumer at Christmas. Nowadays it has escalated to a level that I myself can barely believe. With China in the mix now there are so many crapass pieces of unadulterated $HIT on the market that you really have to go the distance to get educated. The big corporations started a new trend around 2001, It is called BRANDING !!!!
These lowlife escapees from a bowel movement gone wrong, have got the kids so completely hoodwinked that It's almost impossible to deprogram them.
Normally at Ed Roman Guitars we will try to spend the extra time to educate you, as to what the right guitar to buy is.
At Christmas we rarely have the time, and of course, we do have to dump all the traded in garbage.
So send mom down at Christmas, we'll give her a great deal on a new "Corporate Made Guitar" so you can act surprised Christmas morning when you open the box.
We don't particularly like to do this, but if we try to explain to mom about a guitar, she is going to get a worried look on her face, and just buy you a skateboard, Then we lose completely !!!!
I really recommend that you DO NOT let Mom or Dad buy you a guitar as a surprise, a guitar is an intensely personal item. you cradle it in your arms!!! Do a little extra research and open your mind to some of the newer boutique manufacturers.
Don't be surprised this Christmas, Get down to the store and check out some of the new & cool things that are available.
Starter Packages
Never Buy A Starter Package !
Never Buy A Starter Package !
Never Buy A Starter Package !
Starter packages, are in almost every case made up of non-saleable low quality items that no intelligent guitarist would ever want to buy. Occasionally there might be a half decent guitar, but you can be sure there are some ringers thrown in.
Starter packages appeal only to the uninformed part of the public that largely make up the one time hitters or one time buyers.
The strategy here is to slide in the baloney hard and fast because this particular consumer isn't coming back anyway
Never Ever, Buy A Starter Package !!!!
Never Ever, Ever, Buy A Starter Package !!!!
Never Ever, Ever, Ever, Buy A Starter Package !!!!
Have I Made My Point ?!?!!
Important Info on "Christmas Guitars"
There is nothing stupid about being misinformed !!!
But if you are misinformed !!!
It will be Incredibly Stupid of you not to read below and follow several of the links
A Christmas guitar is the brand that the uninformed rich people buy their kids for their 14th birthday. The kid doesn't know the score, the parents are usually well meaning, but they know even less than the kid does. In the hands of an evil Commissioned Salesman in a Corporately Owned, Nasdaq Traded, Superstore these people are the reason they come to work. Buyer Beware
Some Good Advice Before Buying A Christmas Turkey..... Oops I Meant Guitar!!!!!
If a salesman tells you "It's The Best in the Store" (Click Here)
Large corporations employ cost cuts daily. Magazines will rarely expose them (Click Here)
Beginner Guitars Sometimes can be decent if you just do a little homework
Be Careful of Music Yo Guitars, resale value is very low.
1970 to 1982 Fender Stratocaster was the Christmas guitar (At that time Fenders were pretty decent guitars)
1983 to 1985 Kramer Pacer was the Christmas guitar.
1986 to 1996 The Gibson Les Paul was the Christmas guitar.
1997 to Present PRS is way out in front with no one licking at their heels.
PRS has recently made the same mistake that Kramer did and they have come out with Cheap Korean Guitars last year. They did this to cash in on the PRS name with the people who couldn't afford to spend the insane price they are charging (Remember today PRS guitars are no longer Handmade)