New style soft buy / sell classified system: your views


Well-known member
So what do U guys think about the new system bump proof soft classified threads?

personally I like the old thread with the banter .... more fun and interactive.
well its sucks anyway to see threads not getting much attention about their sale.only the threads that can fetch big bucks attract most people.unfair.but seems to be fair and well planned.sad that no bump or whatever and sad about no interaction.
huh? Can't you just change the display options down the bottom of the page? If you like bumps set it too sort by last posted. If you don't like bumps, set it to thread started
Haiz... you should really lead by example. If seniors cannot behave, how to convince the junior to do so?

What should I do with your duplicate threads?
pacificist resistance..leading by example mah....

well , i dont really like the new thing. i think stuff like no bumping once a week is ok BUT now with this new function. "hot" threads dont get the attention , like if there is something interesting someone is selling but it got moved all the way back to 5-6-7 page. No one is gonna look at it anymore even though other ppl talk in the thread. Just my opinion
It makes others lose their interest in using the Buy/Sell forum too..

Well, I agree that bumping should not be allowed, but integrating BOTH this new style plus one item one ad is obviously difficult..

People who wants to sell like 10 items will bury all the other sellers threads behind, and frankly, our people ain't too keen on finding the patience to browse through various pages to keep track of certain ads..
A seller who posts his ad today gets attention, but if he adds pictures for others to see the next day, his thread would already be hidden beneath tonnes of other threads..

This is just my view, although its simple to counter the new "style" by changing the settings on the page itself, the one item per thread rule doesn't quite cut it in my books..
Some of us browse through to search for good deals.. We don't really know what we want, if we come across it, we'll search for reviews and eventually purchase the item..
That is how I have used to Buy/Sell forum so far.. It made me research and learn about the different products available in the market..