New picture for soft front page?

Should get Echoist to do something, he is a very talented graphic designer.
The old one looks kiddish la, with the anime/cartoon characters. The concept of the new one by blueark is good, and would be perfect with some refinements.
:D :D
OKAY, so as ANEP said that I'm wasting space, I shall post here.
Here, 2 designs lah. Alternatives.
Constructive comments please thank you.


uh and wheres the bass and the amps and the everything else right.
i can add but after i add the keys ppl will come and say add bass add this and that the picture will get so cramped.
psychedelic-germ said:
i'd really like to participate but please.. i beg of ya.. tell me what's the size of the canvas i should start with..

Just start with 700 x 700, 300 dpi.
the blue one is way better than the top one imo.
very soothing i guess.. :D
the thing is, both designs look very professional. they look just nice.
so, good job paynk...
it's damn good and that james should use it for the frontpage :P

but really, it's quite good, nice job :D

Update: I was forced to say that I was not forced to say that it's damn good and that james should use it for the frontpage :P
Yay cool! This is what it's all about. More people with good designing skills please post too!

I like the yellow one by the way 8) I vote Paynk's yellow one!
WAH THE DESIGNS ARE DAMMMMMMM GOOODDDD.its reali nice.all thanks to photoshop! :D great great great job.reali nice. :lol:
i still choose the first one. the girl so pretty. but that doesn't you guys can design anime porn for the front page.

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