New homegrown pedal alert - Chi-Wah-Wah

i saw the clips. you were sitting down to play, and when you step on the wah, the wah sort of jerked up a little, it seems like you have to be extremely delicate.

When you stand up to play the wah, is it possible to rest your body weight on the wah to maintain balance? does it feel like you are 'standing on one leg'?

I think the 'technique' is to rest the heel on the ground, and use the ball to depress the plate. There's some sort of spring mechanism to bring the plate back up.

Doing this sitting down is quite ok, but i can imagine doing this standing up, our shin will become tired due to the height we need to lift the ball of the foot, with our heel down. Else, like you said, we may need to rest our body weight on the other leg.

Another point regarding the design:
For the traditional wah design, we act a direct downwards force onto the bottom rubber feets. But for this, it seems like the movement is pushing the rubber feets both downward & forward.

The small footprint is interesting, goes well with the name of the wah pedal.
Time and players will proof the practicality of the design.

Sound wise, is pretty nice. :)

I think the 'technique' is to rest the heel on the ground, and use the ball to depress the plate. There's some sort of spring mechanism to bring the plate back up.

Doing this sitting down is quite ok, but i can imagine doing this standing up, our shin will become tired due to the height we need to lift the ball of the foot, with our heel down. Else, like you said, we may need to rest our body weight on the other leg.

I totally agree with this point. It would hurt if this was done standing up.
Tone wise...
It does not sound too good on the compressed video format. maybe no justice to the tone was done with the video.

TS: It would be better to promote your product with proper clips cause sound and video quality matters most.

i saw the clips. you were sitting down to play, and when you step on the wah, the wah sort of jerked up a little, it seems like you have to be extremely delicate.

When you stand up to play the wah, is it possible to rest your body weight on the wah to maintain balance? does it feel like you are 'standing on one leg'?

Hi hifi

Not sure what you mean the pedal jerked up a little? Might be due to the fairly soft carpet that it's resting on being compressed when I step on it. You don't have to be delicate - you can be quite rough with it and it won't turn over. Bear in mind though, while the pedal can be used standalone, it is designed to be included on a pedalboard where it will be mounted.

Yes - you can rest your body weight on it.
man it sounds pretty good IMO.. Unique design.. im shock to see it being so small, but it look cute..

Thanks. I think it may take time for there to be acceptance of the design given that it goes against the tradition of what a wah pedal should look and feel like. I think people will be pleasantly surprised when they try it out. :)

I think the 'technique' is to rest the heel on the ground, and use the ball to depress the plate. There's some sort of spring mechanism to bring the plate back up.

Doing this sitting down is quite ok, but i can imagine doing this standing up, our shin will become tired due to the height we need to lift the ball of the foot, with our heel down. Else, like you said, we may need to rest our body weight on the other leg.

Another point regarding the design:
For the traditional wah design, we act a direct downwards force onto the bottom rubber feets. But for this, it seems like the movement is pushing the rubber feets both downward & forward.

The small footprint is interesting, goes well with the name of the wah pedal.
Time and players will proof the practicality of the design.

Sound wise, is pretty nice. :)

It's a valid concern - the shin tiredness - in fact I experience this with a normal wah too when standing. So - there's the option of resting your foot on it when standing, which doesn't take long to get used to.

The pedal movement is only down. I think I unintentionally created an optical illusion by sitting quite far away so it looks like my foot is going forward. If you look at the side on picture, yo ucan see the pedal only travels up and down in a short arc - there's no forward movement.
I totally agree with this point. It would hurt if this was done standing up.
Tone wise...
It does not sound too good on the compressed video format. maybe no justice to the tone was done with the video.

TS: It would be better to promote your product with proper clips cause sound and video quality matters most.


100% agree here and I'm thinking hard about how to get some decent media clips that do justice to the body of the amp, which isn't captured - even when I'm not pressing the wah. :) I will be putting up some better clips when I figure this out - suggestions welcome.
Guys, you probably don't understand the effectiveness of this wah pedal until you've tried it in person. I tried it out along with fellow forumite, chanmin, during the prototype-testing stage. It was already v good then, and with all the tweaking since it should be an awesome pedal now. It's a really handy pedal that has a good tonal sweep, and it actually sounds expensive - all those parts that folks try to change/tweak in the crybabies just to get more clarity, vocal quality...well, this pedal has it.

For those who never felt that they could sound like they were using a wah pedal (while using the traditional wah pedal), you'll be amazed by how this pedal gets you a little closer to sounding like the pros :)

vern, nice pair (of converse shoes) you got there. Congrats on the launch!

Yes - Brett (Burgerman) did a great video for us of the Chi-Wah-Wah in action - way better than my ham-fisted efforts (which you can find and deride here)

We've been labouring away on these for the past few months and we are now pleased to announce that these are shipping. We have a bit of a backlog at present due to some large orders so pls contact me if you are interested and you want to find out expected delivery/collection dates - either by PM or to


eieio - yes we have been shipping to Japan. :)
Kudos to you for coming up with a very innovative design. I could see a use for in a type of music where you can punch in/out efffects in your signal chain. Whose shop will distribute this here in Singapore?

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