New Guitar

actually, imo MIM fenders are quite underrated here. they're great affordable guitars. i had been fixing up my fren's MIM strat, adding a Custom Staggered neck and a JB-Jr pickup bridge... sounded awesome after that, with an action that was just nice, great vibes and everything. my fren's guitar also came drilled as S-S-H in the body cavity (despite it being S-S-S) so it adds a bit of versatility if you intend to switch to S-S-H in the future.

Highway 1 strats can also be a consideration.. made in America, with the minimalistic approaches of Fender for a budget guitar for consumers. personally i would prefer selected MIM models over a H1... but that's really just my preference.

do factor in the cost of getting new pickups, cables, accessories, and miscellanous equipment if you are going to as well. it'll give you a more realistic idea of the guitar you'll be eventually getting to play with.
pooo said:
Please do not have the idea that strats made in mexico are inferior. They might be in terms of say, amount of effort put into putting them together. Tone wise they're just as good. A good set of pickups down the road will make it a keeper. I've got a mim myself, pretty reliable with good tone.

Mjollnir said:
hmm so wat kinda strat shud i get? okay bads i usually play is like social distortion, nirvana so wat kinda fender shud i get?

hmm nirvana? just get some cheap squier strat that has noisy as hell single coils. i'm sure it will work fine for you.
i'm quite a fender fan, so i'd recommand a stratocaster or a telecaster... and yeah, lots of people think mexican made ones are underrated, which is TOTALLY not true... and i think sunburst colours are nice...

??? So far only Malmsteen Strat is "noisy as hell" single coils bec his single coils are in fact triple humbuckers.

I tink a Fat Strat would be good.
Re: Hmm

neuro182 said:
??? So far only Malmsteen Strat is "noisy as hell" single coils bec his single coils are in fact triple humbuckers.

I don't get you there...

The Malmsteen strat is just about as silent as you can get with single coils..
the malmsteen S-S-S aren't true singlecoils; they're humbuckers in single coil sizes.

i assume neuro182 to be speaking scarastically when referring to "noisy as hell". :P
Yup, most hum cancelling singles these days utilize the stacked technology to keep away the nasty hum.

The thing about those pickups, sounds pretty good to us, but to a purist, might not be that good.

no la.. what I mean is, if u wan noisy sound, den go get an axe w hums la. Strats are best known for its clean & low feedback single coils.

so the best single coils that sounds quite like hum will be Malmsteen's Fender Strat. That's what I haf in my list.
Firstly, the so-called "noisy as hell" you refer to is Malmsteen's tone. Take away that noisy element and it will sound anything but Malmsteen.

Low feedback? Check out Edge's playing. He sure does make SC squeals and feedback like no tml. Try plugging into a hi gain tube amp and go to the 2nd or 3rd channel of the amp and see what happens.

Anyway to thread started. There are many threads prior to your thread about getting a guitar. You might want to do a search.

If you want to play some of the heavier genres, you will definetely fare better with a humbuckers equipped guitar. Especially those with higher outputs. But based on your requirements, "Old School Punk", you might want to consider a SSH guitar with probably a push pull mod for the bridge humbucker to give you more versatility. Don't stop at a strat or tele. There are also alternatives such as Jaguar or Tornado to look at. You will defintely fare better at the 2nd hand market than if you were to purchase a new piece.
Re: Hmm

neuro182 said:
no la.. what I mean is, if u wan noisy sound, den go get an axe w hums la. Strats are best known for its clean & low feedback single coils.

so the best single coils that sounds quite like hum will be Malmsteen's Fender Strat. That's what I haf in my list.

neuro182 - i do think u're confused, no? 8O single coils have the 60 cycle hum, whereas humbuckers eliminate the hum.

if you're looking to eliminate feedback, then shield the guitar. humbuckers by design have less feedback than singlecoils shouldn't be a problem.

if u're saying noisy as in high output - yes most humbuckers are louder than single coils. singlecoils also tend to sound sweeter on cleans. imo on that last line thou.
you guys would really pay just to get good stuff man..
i havent gotten any electric, planning to get one to do mainly punk rock songs too, and it seems like everyone's recommending guitars that are easy 4-digits...hahaha
Re: Hmm

neuro182 said:
no la.. what I mean is, if u wan noisy sound, den go get an axe w hums la. Strats are best known for its clean & low feedback single coils.

so the best single coils that sounds quite like hum will be Malmsteen's Fender Strat. That's what I haf in my list.

whoa ! absolutely no idea wad ur describing ?

hmmz an SSS strat will hum. ( one 66hz will cancel out the other 66hz noise , which means there is still 1 single coil emitting 66hz noise , thus , the hum from strats)

a SSH strat will NOT hum.

a YJM signature strat with scalloped fretboards and custom pups would not hum as the pups are actually Humbuckers made to look like single coils ? [if i remembered correctly an earlier article]

hmmz no offense or anything personal here k bro ? but please refrain from commenting unless ya are very sure u are right. its very misleading and confusing in the thread and the multiple other threads in which you have posted inaccurate stuff. nothing personal k bro ?
Re: Hmm

neuro182 said:
??? So far only Malmsteen Strat is "noisy as hell" single coils bec his single coils are in fact triple humbuckers.

I tink a Fat Strat would be good.

if you really think Malmsteen strat is noisy (as in 60 cycle hum), I bet you haven't really tried that beast :D

But I guess what you mean is loud?

woah oh.. so many replies to my thread *honored* i tink i got wat u guys mean.

stars: thanks for your judgement upon me :) may u be judged in the same measure u've used.

What i mean by guitar with hum = H-H or H-S-H or H-S-S setup, not the hum that the single coil produced :D
Re: Hmm

neuro182 said:
no la.. what I mean is, if u wan noisy sound, den go get an axe w hums la. Strats are best known for its clean & low feedback single coils.

Clearing the air, Humbuckers are pickups which have fatter tone and eliminate the 60 cycle hum of conventional single coils. Single coils in their nature are twangy, bright and do have 60 cycle hum.

Therefore, humbuckers are quieter and single coils are noisy with humming.

neuro182 said:
so the best single coils that sounds quite like hum will be Malmsteen's Fender Strat. That's what I haf in my list.

Wrong again. Malmsteen's Strat doesen't sound like hum(humbucker, as you had corrected. Still wrong.) Its a low output pickup with very clean sounds. Yet has bright single coil twang and tone. It just doesen't have the 60 cycle hum. IT's a hum cancelling single coil. It sounds nowhere like a humbucker.

Having corrected the above. I hope the people confused about the above now know better.

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