Nevershoutnever vs Singapore Music Scene

Amusing, but also because his stuff are more listenable than 80% of Singaporean music.

Production wise, lyric wise, groove wise, everything wise.
yeah, and those friendster and facebook whores really do have thousands of friends. if they were to get married, their wedding reception would have to be held in the indoor stadium :rolleyes:

on the side, pity their kids whose classmates will be jerking off to mom's teeny semi-nude pics (but apparently nowadays full nude oso have)
Actually this is perfect example for Singapore, thanks noojoo for posting. It would be interesting to observe this band closely from now because it is fifty fifty whats going to happen to them. While it maybe true that views may not count for nothing, but just look at the number of shows they have lined up in their tour and the number of people they have as 'fans/friends'. The thing here to remember is that if they do an album all you need is maybe just 10 percent of those people on his friends list to buy and the band would make a ton of money already. And that is assuming these people are not inclusive of the walk-ins at their gigs.

Also if the gigs were properly organized and arranged, chances are they might probably be making money at every gig and if they were smart, to carefully budget their expenses then they'd truly have a significant amount by the end of their tour. Depending on the numbers who turn up and the number of CD and merchandise sold, this figure could be enough to attract the attention of big labels since the band does have that 'Jason Mraz' appeal of sorts which the label can help improve or if the numbers were just enough, the band might decide to just go independent or self managed. In anycase, they are fortunate to be in a country where you can tour 20 dates from Michigan to Missouri. How does a Singapore band do that?

ignore views; let's look at album sales.

still beats us by a mile!

it's called good marketing.
oh god i can't stand this guy's face and music
it's like hellogoodbye became acoustic pop and increased their cutesy-ness ten-fold. very cringeworthy.

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