Need Recommendation of Noise Gate Pedal


New member
Currently I'm using a Sansamp GT-2 and on higher gain settings there's a hissing. So I'm looking around for a good noise gate pedal that doesn't suck tone or kill sustain. I don't mind any brand, if it's cheap and good..then great! But yeah, I would like to know of good noise gate pedals that can help me with this problem.
important to try as many brand names of noise suppressing units as possible. i am using the Beta Aivin version: very effective, marginal tonal interferance, super affordable...

some stuff here:

Only Standardvalue stocks on this pedal? Does any other guitar store stack this? If I'm not wrong I saw some at Ranking...but I'm not sure. Help?
Im using the Beta Aivin Noise Gate too. It is affordable and very effective in getting rid of unwanted noise.
Recommendations for a better high gain pedal too then? :) Something along the lines of versatility like GT-2.
play with less gain dude...its in the fingers.

I used to own the GT2 as has WAYYYY too much gain and saturation in it. Most of the time the gain knob dosent go above 12 o'clock at any instance for me, especially on the higher gain settings(hotwire setting, california mode).
better "thing" although soon to be things in common when i get my gorilla that makes the volume louder.