need recomendation for a bass guitar

well i'm using a rbx 774 hahha. Great bass nice looks except its active Eq is kinda difficult to manipulate to its full potential haha creates many weird sounds hahaha
lol why cry ?

hmmz GAS is a terminal disease of the wallet .. can onli be cured when the wallet is empty .. not very healthy for the finances in the long run
It's pretty pricy though. Are you sure you looking at it? Sonus models are pretty cool I've heard. I also heard that they have a weird sound because they have a graphite neck instead of a wooden neck. I dunno. Heard Manring's song before and I thought his Zon tone was pretty stale. Though the song was amazing.
i was thinkin of doing that but mine's a TGM, will it sound worse? i dunno, n i dun nid to noe. haha..i'd rather invest in a decent fretless, any opinions on the fretless 5 string basses at Music Plaza?
Save up for a gnl or something.
Do you like Fender? There are Jazz V fretlesses around.
Fretless nowadays kinda hard to find.
Unless you ship them in from an online retailer. :wink:
wangdexian said:
Save up for a gnl or something.
Do you like Fender? There are Jazz V fretlesses around.
Fretless nowadays kinda hard to find.
Unless you ship them in from an online retailer. :wink:

which even then sets u back a cool 76,000 yen (1.2k ++ SGD inclusive shippingat last count)
i love fenders but dun intend to buy it till i am truly worthy enough of one. dun wanna spoil the brand thru shitty playin on my part. haha.. the GnL looks nice, itz from Leo Fender too.. gonna b checkin em out l8r, c how i feel with a fretless.
Re: ..

rottenramone said:
Eh? I thought you had an August shipment or somethign?

hmm ? nah not many people interested so it got scrapped. i mean .. i saved 60 bucks if i ship with 3 people instead of going solo .. worth the wait i suppose :D