Need help - Recording.


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All right,

Need help.

I've have been facing some problems when recording my songs.

I've usually been using normal pc microphone and a lousy webcam and the result is really terrible esp the sound part.

How do you guys record your playing actually so that i can upload into youtube..?

Any good mic to recommend?

I want to record my playing of the full song (singing + ryhtm) of Hotel California..

Need some advice...thx
depending on your budget, you could get a Line6 Toneport ( plus a sm57 or sm58.

total about $300++

or the other way is use a handycam like those sony or panasonic. their video audio quality will be much much better than webcam + computer mic.

if your computer has firewire port and your camcorder has firewire, you are set to go.
here's the few options :

1st/2nd hand video camera : good video/decent sound recording. average $300-$400

stick to your webcam + line6 toneport + mic + need experience in syncing your recorded audio to video : $300, shit video, good audio. but you're gonna take more time learning how to replace your webcam's audio with your recorded one.. and make sure your PC is fast enough to webcam record + audio record at the same time...

unless you got friends studying film / audio. then maybe that's a free/cheaper alternative.
agree, if your webcam is good in video capturing then use your webcam. For audio I think you still need to get a audio interface with preamp + a good quality mic.
for some reason video cameras pick up AWESOME crunchy distorted drum sounds that you can throw back into the mix for that dirty rock/indie sound.. i have no idea why it works given that its full on digital distortion..
frodonet, did you manage to get any equipment to improve the sound?