Need Help on Rhythm Guitar Techniques


New member
Hi im Creeping_Deth and im a metal player. Im used to power chord riffing, lead playing and open chord and barre strumming(aka standard campfire style).

However, when I listen to some rock, blues or jazz songs, they use rather fanciful and advanced chord forms in their rhythm playing, such Robert Johnson's stuff.

I would like to know how to improve on my rhythm techniques and how to use fanciful chords properly, cus as a metal head im too used to precise riffing (and the jump to strum based chordy rhythm stuff is rather frightening, so to speak.) and I wanna break away from "power chords and notes" riffing as it gets stale quickly. (this includes the various forms of power chords, such as inverse, one finger etc.)

Im especially interested in Jazz and Rock rhythm forms.

Any posts, online resources, books or teacher reccomendations are appreciated.

My thanks.
Hmm the thread didn't help much but I think I found what I wanted by searching through the net. Those really weird looking chords I was looking for were shell voicings.

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