Need Help On Cubase 4


New member
Hi guy anyone of you using Cubase 4?

I am running into some trouble here.

May i know what is the configurations for Cubase 4, if i want 56 mono channels in via MADI and 56 mono channels out via MADI. ok i know it sound confusing here is a picture of what i am trying to say.

All i need to know is the set up for Cubase 4 audio in and out. I havent use Cubase since Cubase 5.1.

Thanks in advance.
1. Please ensure your driver for the MADI system is the chosen in the VST audio system page under device setup

2. Then exit from this setup page

3. Next goto the VST connections page. You can do that by hitting the F4 key

4. In this page you can setup the respective inputs and outputs you need.

Hope it helps.